Happy [F]rickin Teaseday. The husband ruined my plans, but I don’t get mad, I get even.

Back story: when my husband and I were dating he started what he called happy frickin Tuesday. He’d leave flowers for me at work, get me my favorite candy, and do any small random thing to add some happy to my Tuesday.

This tradition has carried over into our married life, and since it’s been awhile since I’ve had a happy frickin Tuesday, I thought I would start happy frickin Teaseday, just to get him thinking about what my plans could be later…


One of our kids found their way to our bed, and it was about time for the kids to start waking up so I knew anything that could end up with us having sex had to be off the table. Plus, I really wanted to do something that would REALLY leave him thinking about me all day. He’s an account manager for the company he works for, and one of his accounts is the business my grandparents started and my parents, and some extended family work at. There was something super hot about him going to the family business and talking business with my family members while also thinking about all of the ways he was going to make me cum when he got home.