Anya and Michael (F-dom, first chapter, constructive crit wanted.)


Hearing his phone buzzing against the coffee table in the other room sent Michael's heart racing. "Four short bursts" was reserved for her, the urgency of the ringer matching how important it was to get to the phone quickly. Bzzzt-Bzzzt- "Hello Mistress Anya," Michael gasped, snatching the phone up and holding it out so she can see his face. Her eyebrows were furrowed on the other end of the video call, narrowing her dazzling green eyes.

"And what took you so long to answer?" Her pink lips pursed thin and tight waiting for a reply.

"I was in the other room cleaning, I left my phone on the table by mistake," Michael quickly added, "Mistress."

"Oh? Is that so?" She raised a brow skeptically on screen. "I think you might have been up to something else. I know you've got trouble keeping your hands off yourself when left alone." She smirked devilishly to herself with this last comment.

"No, Mistress."

"Prove it."