[F] Working At McDonald’s

When I was in my senior year in high school I was working part time at the happiest place on earth for kids … no .. not Disneyland lol McDonald’s lol .i use to work Friday and Saturday overnight . My Boyfriend at the time hated my job because we wouldn’t hangout like other couples Would on the weekends , go out with friends etc . Me on the other hand I loved it yes I have my reasons .

My boyfriend asked me to quit many times or work in the day but i never did I was enjoying myself too much . During night shift at least in my town around 1 am -4 am the drive thru was dead like no cars nothing to do . All the cleaning was done early so we ware basically left to do nothing . It was myself , Jordan , Jenny ,Alonzo working together constantly .

Youngest Cousin[M] 19

My youngest cousin[19] moved in with me 2 days ago . Gave his room , his house key set some ground rules and he’s well accommodated now . Yesterday while I was showing him where I keep the laundry detergent he said he didn’t know how to do laundry because my aunt always did it for him , I told him I didn’t mind doing it for him while he learned .

Well today he got up early and went job hunting , I got up had breakfast went to work came home and he was still gone . So I decided to cook some dinner and throw some loads in the laundry while he arrived so we could have dinner together.

Got the laundry out the dryer and went to his room to lay it on his bed when the smell of his cologne hit me it’s smells so good , snooped through his room a little bit did some cleaning for him and I found a photo album . The photographs are dated from last year . A beach trip . And omg ?.

[F]Jehovahs witnesses (I’ll probably go to hell for this lol)

I think we have all been victims lol of these witnesses going around door to door in there bikes preaching to you , now I’m totally ok with that everyone has different religions and beliefs and that’s perfectly fine but these people don’t respect when you tell them your in a hurry . One afternoon I was on my way out the door super late to work ,I’m talking almost an hour late , as I’m walking out 2 gentleman stop me and start asking me questions about religion , I respectfully tell them I’m running late and I have to go and they just ignore me and keep talking and asking questions.

I start playing it along answering a couple questions. But they keep going and going no stop . Again I tell them I have to go I’m super late , again they ignore me . I stop them I apologize and tell them I’m in a rush . So they then ask me what’s a good time to come to my door and talk more I just wanted to leave. So i I told them some time and for the next two three weeks they ware there everyday at the same time knocking on my door . I would open i thought they would get the idea but no they kept coming back .