My [F] trip to Italy – Part 2 – Good Old Exhibitionism

*thewintertain2 here! For those of you who don’t know, I’m a Portuguese girl in my early 20’s. You can check my previous stories on my profile. This story ties into my last post which I’ll link below:*

*[My [F] trip to Italy – Part 1 – The Nightclub](*

TL;DR of Part 1 in case you don’t want to read (which I recommend): I flew to visit Milan on my own. Met a Spanish guy, Javier, in a nightclub. Also met his two friends, Diego and Sergio. All of them were exchange students from Spain. Javier and I got hot. Javier and I did the dirty (at my AirBnB).

**The Setup**

Part 1 ended with me and Javier going for a second round, back at my AirBnB. After a first quick round, given all the build-up we had had across the whole night, our second session was taken much slower, both of us taking the time to explore each other’s bodies, banter, laugh, pause here and there, and overall have a good night. As agreed, Javier didn’t stay overnight and after we were done with our fun he headed back to his and his friends’ place. We made sure to exchange contacts before he left, and I sent him off with the promise to message him later to set up another date. All of our fun happened between Friday night and Saturday dawn.

My [F] trip to Italy – Part 1 – The Nightclub [MF]

*Hello everyone, it’s thewintertain2 again! For those of you who don’t know, I’m a Portuguese girl in my early 20’s. You can check my previous story here:*

*[I [F] rode a guy at the cinema. I had never seen him before](*


Traveling abroad has always been something on my bucket list. Unfortunately, my family prefers to stay in Portugal for the summer vacations, and enjoy their time on the beaches on the south of the country. I can’t blame them, the weather and the beaches are amazing, it’s hard to complain. Still, exploring new countries, people with different nationalities, was always something I felt drawn to. When I started college, I also started working some occasional part-time jobs and saved up for all of the trips abroad I’ve done in the past few years. Most of my trips were made either accompanied by friends, or by my sister. Italy was the first time I flew abroad all by myself.

I’ve always enjoyed doing activities by myself: going to the cinema, to a restaurant I liked, to a music show to watch a band I was fond of. Traveling alone was, however, still a new experience. I was 20 at the time.

I [F] rode a guy at the cinema [M]. I had never seen his face before.

I’m a Portuguese girl, with quite a few kinks, one of them is telling and retelling the sexual adventures I’ve indulged in throughout my life. For obvious reasons I refrain from sharing them with friends or family, only a select few know about some of the things I’ve done.

That doesn’t mean that I pretend to be a prude in my day-to-day life. I don’t flaunt my sexual life, I don’t go out of my way to tell people or let everyone know what I do, but I also don’t hide that I’m sexually active – which doesn’t mean I pick up the phone and call my mother or best friend to let her know of the guy I screwed after clubbing the night before. Let’s put it like this: my mother knows I’m not a virgin, my casual friends know I’m sexually active and that I don’t shy away from a flirt if I am interested, my close friends know I’m prone to casual sex, my best friend and a few others know about some of my adventures, but most of the details remain only with those I lived them with.