Lockdown led to [F]un with the Uber Eats guy [M]

Earlier this year the social restrictions due to the pandemic were being tightened again and again as our country seemed to relentlessly ramp up on the number of active cases. That was bad. We had to stay home, for the most part. No hanging out with friends. Walking outside only to satisfy the purest needs (sex not included), and obviously, masks!

I consider myself a law-abiding citizen for the most part, and so I complied with pretty much every restriction the government brought. I’m usually not someone who gets bored or grumpy with the lack of socialization, though I love spending time with friends. However, the pandemic tested my limits at times. I’m also not someone who necessarily needs to have sex often super often. I can go on a sex spree for a couple of months, and then spend the next two with no activity without batting an eye (usually doesn’t happen, but it’s because I want to, rather than needing it).

I [F] rode a guy at the cinema. I had never seen him before.

[Repost from my old account, which I deleted a while ago]

I’m a Portuguese girl, with quite a few kinks, one of them is telling and retelling the sexual adventures I’ve indulged in throughout my life. For obvious reasons I refrain from sharing them with friends or family, only a select few know about some of the things I’ve done.

That doesn’t mean that I pretend to be a prude in my day-to-day life. I don’t flaunt my sexual life, I don’t go out of my way to tell people or let everyone know what I do, but I also don’t hide that I’m sexually active – which doesn’t mean I pick up the phone and call my mother or best friend to let her know of the guy I screwed after clubbing the night before. Let’s put it like this: my mother knows I’m not a virgin, my casual friends know I’m sexually active and that I don’t shy away from a flirt if I am interested, my close friends know I’m prone to casual sex, my best friend and a few others know about some of my adventures, but most of the details remain only with those I lived them with.