Bull Raising [M/F] (Incest, Mother/Son, Cuckold)

Jack lived at home on a farm with his sisters Maybelle and Petunia, and their parents Jay and Adeline. This Friday morning, started like any other one. Jack got up at 6 am, showered, changed, prayed, ate breakfast and went out to feed the cattle. Except, on his way to get the tools he’d need for his work that day, he noticed the shed by the barn already opened, and two men moving inside. As he got closer, his father Jay popped out as well. He was a short and stocky man, with bright red cheeks and a nose to match this early in the morning, underneath, his mustache was more white than grey nowadays.

“Mornin'” he said, flicking his cowboy hat up to show more of his face and tapping Jack in the arm.

“Mornin dad, who are these guys?”

Jay turned around to glance at the men, “oh, they’re new farm hands. Hehe, figured I’d finally shut you up and get them since I know how much you’ve been asking me for help around here.”

“Yeah, when I was 11. That was 8 years ago. I don’t need these guys anymore.”

Plenty of Fish pt.1 [F/m] (Incest, Mom/Son, Cheating)

Ben lived with his parents, Stephen and Lillian, and his sisters, Lori and Emily. One day, his dad Stephen came home from work and went up to his room. He peeked his head in and said hello, Ben removed his headset and turned from his computer screen to greet him back. That night, after dinner, Stephen walked out of his bathroom and got into bed quite upset. Lillian knew why but she continued sitting at her lowboy, rubbing all sorts of anti aging, anti wrinkles lotions on herself, hoping Stephen would let it go. Stephen took his shirt off and tossed it at his feet, he had a big hairy belly which seemed to be where all his head hair had gone. He rubbed his long, graying goatee for a little bit before finally saying something.

“Today was the last day, isn’t that right?” He asked Lillian. Lillian continued to open and close different lotions and cosmetics, only turning around once to agree. “He’s still at it with those computer games…”

“He only plays them after finishing all his school work…it’s a good reward for him…”

“I’ll tell you what’s a good reward for him: PUSSY! But knowing him I bet he’d rather like-”

Finally have time to get back into writing, is there anything you would like to see? Or read, rather

I used to have 2 other accounts that were much more active and full of much more content. Reddit banned them, which is fair, I didn’t follow their rules and I got caught. But anyway, I’ve been sprinkling this account with stories here and there but want to get back into it with more dedication, so if there’s anything you’d like to see in a story let me know below

Keep Your Family Close pt.2 [MFFFF] (Incest, Bondage, Aunt/Nephew)

The next morning, Rico walked into the kitchen to pour himself some coffee and was greeted by worried faces. “What is it now?” Rico smiled at his grandma, who stealthily smiled back.

“It’s your Aunt Maria,” said his mom, “she escaped last night. You see what your games made her do…”

“She didn’t escape.” Rico continues sipping on his coffee, “my men found her this morning. She ran about 100 yards into the woods, tripped, became disoriented, and ran back to the house.”

“So then where is she now?”

Rico didn’t answer and instead walked over to the kitchen. The women hesitantly followed him. He pulled out a chair and tested it for strength before sitting on it. The women were left nightgowns to wear, but nothing else, so were standing in front of Rico with only it covering them. He could see their nipples poking through the material and their curves under the robe. Without wasting another moment observing the women, Rico called over his aunt Lucia. When she heard her name, she stopped biting her nail and looked at the other two for support before walking to him. Rico waited for her to be close enough and then violently pulled her onto him. She sat down on his laps and he grabbed hold of her ass to position her better.

Keep your family close [M.A.A.G/s] (Incest, sex slave, mom/son, aunt/nephew, grandma/grandson)

Rico is the youngest new drug lord in the Mexican state of Michoacan. He took over after his dad was shot and killed by the federal government. His death had created a power vacuum which a lot of people, Rico included, were quick to fill.

It was a fairly easy job. His uncles and cousins took care of almost everything and only brought Rico the most important matters for him to make final decisions on. Still, being the head of an international drug cartel wasn’t without it’s downsides. When he wasn’t on the move, he was getting shot at, and his time to rest was usually interrupted by his pending duties. The executions, drug use, and utter mayhem that were a daily part of his life rotted away his soul until he had become numb to almost everything. Rumors of his lavish lifestyle spread through the footmen and subsequently the police that tracked them who then told the presses which made the public aware. The public were the ones who really spun things out of proportion. Through social media, people shared rumors about Rico’s bizarre parties and the things he would do in them. Memes spread showing photos people managed to sneak of animals being led into mansions, midgets hanging from doorhandles, and things so vile the media decided not to shine a light on despite the mountain of evidence supporting them.

Following Trends pt.2 [F/m] (Incest, Mo/So, being watched)

“Yogi Sammi,” said Tracey breaking meditation.

“What is it flower?” Responded Tracey’s yoga instructor and spiritual guide without opening his eyes. Both sat in Tracey’s workout room, cross legged in front of each other.

“You’re kind of like a priest, right?”

“Um…well why do you ask?”

“I have a confession to make. And I could use some guidance on it as well.”

“Very well, flower. Your troubles shall remain with me, no need to worry.”

Tracey closed her eyes again and went back to her meditating position. “Uh, ok, here it goes. You know my son, Jesse, right?”

“Ah yes, kind Jesse. I have had interactions with him inside your home.”

Tracey opened here eyes and bit her lip, unsure of how to say the next part. “Yeah, well…I…kind of…gave him,” Tracey looked around around and leaned in with a hand at the side of her mouth, “a blowjob” she whispered. Sammi’s eyes shot open and he leaned in to hear more. “It was fine and all, I mean, you know, a mother’s gotta help her children…and maybe, who knows, maybe other moms do that too…” Tracey started fiddling with her fingers like a schoolgirl getting reprimanded, “and maybe sometimes they just get lost in the lust…it’s weird isn’t it, Yogi Sammi? And wrong too? And illegal!”

Following Trends [F/m] (Incest, Mo/So, Blowjob)

**Two months into the third quarantine**

“Whatever happened to the cinnamon challenge?” Jesse thought to himself while scrolling through Tik Tok posts with the hashtag “Ma’s Bra.” One after another, videos of sons walking up behind their mothers and cupping their tits were being posted faster than Jessie could watch them. “Some of these are getting millions of views, holy shit! I have to hop on the next trend and try to make it big.”

Weeks passed by and the hashtag slowly started to lose popularity, and it’s spot was now being held by a far more sinister challenge. The “Blow Me” challenge, although sounding provocative, is meant to get a reaction from the person hearing it before revealing to them a party blower from behind your back. Once again, sons had resorted to making their mothers victims of these harmless pranks and made sure to record the whole thing and share it with the world. Some mothers laughed, some got angry, but some, rightfully having mixed feelings about the previous “challenges,” instead gave their sons winks or invited them to a more…private part of the house.

Quarantined Pt. 1 [M/F] (incest, A/Ne, huge cock)

Jackson and his family were stuck at home in Colorado during the enforced quarantine. In the house were his sisters, one closer to his age, two cousins closer to his little siblings’ age, and his mom and aunt. His dad was a doctor working full time at the hospital, coming home maybe 4 days a month. His uncle was in the army and most recently he was stationed at the border between California and Oregon making sure no cars come through to either state.

At first the quarantine was taking a toll on them but after it became a reality that they wouldn’t be getting out any time soon, the family quickly warmed up to each other and grew quite close as a result. Today, Jackson and Morgan helped tuck in the kids while the moms got ready for bed. On his way back to his room after getting some water, Jackson saw his aunt coming Julia coming out the bathroom with a towel around her body.

“Oop, sorry kiddo, did you need to use the restroom? I was just…..drying my hair and lost track of time.”

“Not at all, I was just coming back from the kitchen.”