An Act of Kindness [MF]

Loneliness and I were old friends. I was an ugly kid with a sense of humor. I had tons of friends but no one ever wanted to hold my hand or kiss me. I was surrounded by people yet never felt like I belonged anywhere. Eventually I met a girl and we settled down but the loneliness didn’t pass. I slept alone every night. She rarely touched me. I felt so starved for affection. Even in a dedicated relationship, I felt so lonely.

You were one of the few rays of sunshine in my life. Every Friday, I walked down to the beer store. Drowning my sorrows had become a weekly ritual. However, if I’m completely honest with myself, I mostly came to see you. I was always disappointed whenever there was someone else behind the counter. I really enjoyed our little chats while checking out and you were definitely a sight for sore eyes. I had never met anyone more beautiful than you. You were down to earth with supple curves and long, dark hair. Your pale skin seemed to glow in the neon light of that little store.

A Short Fantasy on a Bad Day (M/F), BJ

Hi! Im having a bad day so thought writing out a little fantasy might help. It didn’t :-/ but I hope you like it!


You knew I was having a bad day. You could see it all over my face. My normally bright eyes were downcast and dim. I didn’t laugh at a single one of your awesome jokes or even crack a smile. I just sat on the couch all day “working” from home. In actuality, it was more like “sitting and blankly staring into the void” from home. You hated seeing me like this.

You also knew a surefire way to get me out of this funk though. A wonderfully devious idea came to you as the day trudged on.

When my day was winding down, you descended the staircase to the living room. I was sitting on the couch, looking at nothing in particular. You cleared your throat and drew my gaze to you. My jaw dropped at the incredible sight before me.

The Seeress

As the name would imply, the Warlands were an utter mess. Petty kings and pretender gods squabbled over the carcass of a dead empire. Decades of strife had taken their toll. No one plowed the fields. The roads, once a source of great pride, were now little more than dirt paths. The only people who traversed them regularly were soldiers or brigands. It was a realm of death, decay and misery. It was also a land of opportunity, for the right type of person, at least.

We called ourselves the Unfettered. Generations of young nobles from foreign lands who put aside rank and title to gain glory and fame. It had been a tradition since the empire collapsed. Although I detested the violence, I did my duty. I fought on Clouded Mountain, twice. I witnessed the death of the battle saint Aladraia; her thunderous power cut short by a loose arrow. I stood upon the walls of Hapan during an assault by Kingkiller Keen. I brought honor to my own name. I had earned my many scars. I knew I would be able to hold my head high whenever I rejoined my family.