Had sex in a corn maze.. [M]

In my town we have a well known pumpkin patch where every year they go absolutely nuts when it comes to corn mazes. I’m talking like top 5 most detailed / hard in the Midwest..

Anyway, today I ran into a girl, we will call her Lauren, who I’ve know the past 12 ish years (ironically she blew me once in high school my senior year her junior year). She was with her boyfriend (who I faintly know from HS) & a small group of their friends, we chatted a bit then I went in the corn maze with my friends and they did their own thing.

Fast forward about 30 minutes I get separated from my group because my dumbass wasn’t paying attention and it was dark, as I’m casually just walking aimlessly I find Lauren in the same boat as me, alone and lost. Now mind you this corn maze isn’t small town kid friendly shit, it’s legit like if you don’t pay attention and turn without looking you’re absolutely fucked.