Stress Release
I had perhaps one of the craziest experiences in college concerning roommates. Most people in college were either best friends with their roommates or were worst enemies with each other. I was able to have the craziest claim which was that I fucked my roommate.
I went to a 4 year university some 6 hours of a road trip away from my hometown in a small city out in the middle of nowhere. I was just barely 18, young, horny, and full of testosterone. I wasn’t able to choose a roommate so I got someone unknown. As I carried my bags into the dorm, who was sitting at the desk in front of a laptop but an african american woman. Her name was Michele and she was a very friendly girl in her sophomore year with a massive rack, big ass, and short stature. We wondered if there was an issue in the computer database or in administration as I wasn’t aware of mixed sex roommates being allowed but we just ran with it as we both didn’t want to start any trouble in the university.