De-Stress the Professor [MF]

*First time posting on here, but I’ve shared this story elsewhere on the internet. Hopefully you enjoy, and maybe I’ll post some more!*

As the sound of mumbling students and rustling bags grew louder, Ron Fuller looked up from the whiteboard he was writing on to check the clock. Class had run a few minutes over yet again, and students were getting antsy.

He turned from the board to face his class. Rows of stadium seating were packed with students, a few who’d arrived late forced to stand to the side to take notes. A month ago, this history class only took up a little over half of the seats, and he had trouble with too many open seats up front. Today, Ron had an overflowing class more that had more than doubled in size. Two weeks ago, the other History 110 professor, Mrs. Grange, was fired; given that it’s a few weeks into the semester, rather than drop her students from the class, the school decided to just put her students in Ron’s class. This resulted in the surplus of students he was staring at today, all eagerly glancing between him, the clock, and the door.