The Best Friends Boyfriend (part 2) (MF)

It had been weeks since the incident, 5 weeks 3 days almost exactly in fact, and she had been avoiding him like the plague. She had made excuses not to go to Sam’s at first, but it was getting to a point where Sam was starting to ask if she had done something, so Fliss had had to go back to their usual arrangement, but she made sure to not be left alone with him at all. The first time he’d answered the door to her he had looked right at her and just smiled, and god her pussy had spasmed half way to orgasm right there on the doorstep. But the fact remained, he was still with Sam, he hadn’t tried to call, or text, so it was one night, one stupid mistake, and he had clearly drawn a line under it, and so should she.

She woke up at Sam’s and rolled over, next to her on the bed was a note. It was from Sam, stating that she had been called in to some meeting or something and would be back after lunch. Fliss groaned, there was no way she’d get out of this house without waking him, she needed a shower and some breakfast as she was off to work. She ran through a couple of casual conversations in her head. She sounded stupid in every single one.

The best friends boyfriend (part 1) [MF)

Sam was her best friend and all, but Christ did she go on and on about her boyfriend, she was always moaning about him, and when Sam gets started there’s no stopping her. Personally Fliss thought Sam was delusional, her fella was gorgeous… not traditional Abercrombie gorgeous, but big and strong, with these eyes, man it was like he could see into her soul. And the best bit was he didn’t even know how gorgeous he was.

She necked her wine… Sam was still talking…

‘im going bed Sam, I’m knackered’ She saw the disappointment in her friends eyes, it was still relatively early after all. But she slunk upstairs anyway. She pulled on the tank top that she’d taken to sleeping in, and got into bed. The bed was one of the main reasons Fliss agreed to stay over rather than get a cab home. She knew that sometimes when he came off nights he’d sleep in this bed so as not to wake up Sam, and the sheets would smell of him… Tonight was one of those nights…

God Fliss, he’s your best friends boyfriend, get him out your head.

Work party [str8][Mdom] long

She came into the bar, she recognised most people, as she’d expect from a work party, but she was interested to see the other teams she only ever got to speak to on the phone, put some faces to the voices she spoke to day in day out.

But first she wanted a drink, she grabbed her friends hand and pulled her towards the bar. It was busy, and she pushed her way forward, squeezing through, flashing guys a cheeky smile as they obediently let her pass. She got to the front and ducked under his arm, she turned to flirt a little, just to ease her way to the front without issue, when she met his gaze and it was not impressed, glanced her up and down, and ignored her completely. Rude. He caught the barmaid first and ordered his drink, as he turned to leave he grabbed her by the hair, and whispered in her ear,

‘what do you say?’

Her heart caught in her throat ‘…sorry?’

‘good girl’