How I [F]19 became a ‘frat rat’ – group sex at the frat party

Hello story-horny people of gonewildstories! I’m back with Part 2 of “How I became a ‘frat rat!’” This installment is spicier than the first part and it can also be digested without having read Part 1, which I know was a little long! Still, a link to that is here:

[Part 1 – Fingered by a Frat Guy](

Obligatory “this happened years ago, and I am no longer 19 even though I wish I was.” Anyways, with that, onwards to the story!

My first college frat party and this is where I find myself: near to tears and alone. I think about Michael, the brother of my roommate, and how we had shared a moment of sexual intimacy I thought had meant something, only for him to go grope another random girl when he thought I wasn’t looking. I think of Veronica, my lovely roommate, who’s managed to do what I couldn’t: make friends and have a life outside of drinking shitty, cheap liquor. And then I think about myself, and I feel a swell of self-pity and self-loathing. I want to leave the party, but the door seems so far away. I want to cry, but there are too many people around. I want to scream, but then I’d just look like a lunatic.

How I [F]19 became a ‘frat rat’ – Part 1: getting fingered by a frat guy

Hello story-horny people of gonewildstories! You might remember me as the person who matched with her former student on Tinder and slept with him. I’m back today to begin telling you a story from my college years. There’s a lot of ups and downs emotionally here for me, and it was difficult writing this up. It was difficult writing the last few stories too. Fuck, why do sex and feelings have to be involved with one another? Pain in the ass if you ask me, and not the good kind.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy part one of this multi-part story!

In my experience, not a lot of people know about ‘frat rats.’ Urban Dictionary—a totally nonbiased and trustworthy source of information—describes a frat rat as: “A girl that spends exorbitant amounts of
time at a frat house, usually with the intent to slut it up with one or more of the fraternity brothers.”

Alternate definition: “A girl that fucks a different frat guy every week.”

I [F]23 matched with a former student [M]19 on Tinder, had sex with him in a public bathroom, and almost got caught by his parents

Hi all! ThePerfectDaughter here again to regale you with another tale of my former student Brock and me! This post is a bit more story and feelings-driven, and I had a lot of emotions when thinking back and writing about it, so I’m sorry if it isn’t as fast-paced and sex-driven as my last two posts, but I think there’s still plenty of smut to keep you satisfied! I’ll be taking a little break after this, but I’ll be back in due time with more stories!

[Part 1]( is here, and

[Part 2]( is there.


Let it never be said that I live a boring life.

I have stories to spare. From the time I spent as a ‘Frat Rat’ in college to the regular, sleazy motel rendezvouses with a cadre of older men to the bisexual roommate who challenged my sexuality, I catalogue and am surprisingly open about my sexual exploits. I’ve never been ashamed of my body or my sexuality; never felt, even in my dirtiest, sluttiest moments, like I was ever doing anything ‘bad.’ Even with Brock and the hesitation I sometimes had over engaging in a sexual relationship with a former student, I still managed to calm down and allow myself to have fun. In a lot of ways, I felt good about our relationship.

I [F]23 matched with a former student [M]19 on Tinder and had rough, degrading sex with him

First, can I just say wow, what a rush I got from posting my first story on gonewildstories! Thank you to everyone for the awards, comments, and upvotes. I hope it was as hot and steamy for you as it was for me! If you missed the first part of the story between my former student Brock and me, here’s a link to it:

[Part 1](

A couple of questions I got in my messages. Yes, I have several tattoos, but none of them are visible unless I take off my clothes. Yes, we talked about using a condom, but I omitted that part. I told him he didn’t need to because I was on birth control. Have been since I was young. He was more than excited to do it raw. Maybe I should have left that part in, haha.

Today I’m going to talk about what happened the following evening after our initial ‘session.’ We got a
bit aggressive with one another, toying with the relationship dynamic, and I thought it would be fun to reminisce on that. The dirty talk we partook in sticks out in my mind as some of the most fun I’ve had during sex. I was going to type up the time we were almost caught in our relationship by Brock’s parents, but I thought this deserved a post first. Mostly because I found the whole shebang fucking hot.

I [F]23 matched with a former student [M]19 on Tinder and slept with him

Before I get going let me just say that the meat of this story happened about three years ago and I am no longer 23 (though I wish I was). Everyone is 18+ in this story, so don’t worry about that. This really did happen, though some of the dialogue is approximated, as I’m trying to remember what was said despite being a little wine-drunk that night. Names are changed out of respect for privacy and locations are omitted because, well, I’d like to keep my job! I was originally going to post this in sluttyconfessions, but then I started remembering little details and couldn’t stop writing, and so it basically turned into a short story, so I suppose it fits better here!

I started as a high school English teacher right of college, fresh faced and idealistic. It was a bit of a wild ride getting thrown around by the higher ups as they tried to fit me into what was a dwindling English department. After being told I was going to be teaching a senior class my first year, I panicked, but ultimately my panic was for nothing. In the end, I taught several classes of sophomore and senior students through my first year and absolutely loved it.