[M]y Passionate Drunken [F]uck Up with a Girl from the Bar [Cheating]

I posted my first story yesterday. I thought it would be my only one, but I had a lot of fun writing it, so I figured I’d get another one out. Sorry, this is the one where you find out I can be a shitty person. I’m not proud of this one but it makes for a decent story.

A handful of years ago I was at a weird place in my life. I had managed to peal myself out of a short bout of depression by majorly changing my daily habits and lifestyle. Gym, nofap, forcing myself out of my comfort zone, etc. Over a period of 6 months they had a profound impact on my life. I landed a new, much more fulfilling job, and I was connecting with people as I never had before. Everything was going well for me and I had endless energy. Working a 60+ hr week was easy and I still had energy to party on the weekends. I was in my mid-twenties.

I enjoyed this time but looking back I see how the success went to my head a bit. I was neglecting my relationship in favor of the new career and the lifestyle that came with it. We had a work hard, party hard culture at the office.

[M]y Teen [F][F]antasy Come True [18]

My relationship is in a bit of a lull right now and being an adult is hard, so I’ve been reminiscing about past adventures. This one takes us all the way back to high school. It was right around graduation. The weather was beautiful. I was 18, had my own car, and was fresh out of a mediocre relationship. The world was mine for the taking. Many fond memories for sure.

I was 6 feet tall and a fit 170 pounds at the time. I had a couple girlfriends in high school which had boosted my confidence, but I was still not all that assertive or forward. To this point I had done everything except had actual sex which was my own fault for timing my breakups poorly. Oh how I wish I could go back to this night with the experience I have now.

It was getting late on a Friday night and I had to work my part time job first thing in the morning. I promised myself just one more round of Call of Duty, then it was time to get some sleep. Sometime during the round my new flip phone vibrated. After the round I stayed in the lobby – just one more game. I checked my phone and was pleasantly surprised to see who it was.