A holiday welcome home [MF]

A holiday welcome home from the girlfriend (MF)

This time of year always reminds me of a story that happened two years back with my then girlfriend. This story may not be as intense as the others on here but I hope I can provide a good holiday story.

My girlfriend (Erika, 26) and I (Jason, 26) decided to spend some time with her family for the holidays. I was definitely on board given where we lived was much snowier/colder, so I welcomed the warm sunny weather of the southern states. Well, my then job had required me to stay longer to finish up a client project before the holidays so Erika decided to go down earlier to get some more time with her friends and family.

Well after days apart, and tons of flirty texts and pics back and forth, I found myself hot and bothered and absolutely ready to see Erika. I made my way through the busy holiday season airport bustle, through a packed flight, and taking an Uber from the airport to Erika’s family house. I for one was exhausted and ready to lounge. But the holidays don’t allow for much rest!