Digital Obedience Cuff – Final Part [F, Predicament]

Part 1 [here](

Tameena kept moving, aimless but at least putting some distance between her and her last stunt. She knew this mall pretty well, heading towards the closest exit. If she had smelt of sex before, now the air around her was heavy with her scent. Pacing towards the food court, the vibrations began to climb again, a small gentle teasing sensation. Tameena’s clit was growing sensitive, but somehow even through the pain the vibrations were succeeding in hardening her nipples. It was all the worse now she knew how prominently it stood out in this dress.

She had to get out of this mall right now, but the fog brought on by tiredness and feeling so horny was making it hard to remember the route out. Scanning the signs on the walls, she saw one leading to an exit and strode across the corridor, hoping the cuff would allow her to leave. The vibrations were speeding up and she was breathing heavily, steadying herself on the wall as she moved, the toy squirming back and forwards inside her from the motion of her thighs. It felt like getting fucked ever so gently. How she longed to be fucked right now. A wicked grin appeared with the thought. Growing tired, the pleasure being wrought on her nethers was harder to fight, and small moans escaped her lips as she pressed forward. She tried her best to keep quiet as she passed people. The vibrations were mounting, making her journey more difficult. In the midst of her concentration, Tameena passed someone and did a double take, looking back to see someone exiting a card shop, their eyes meeting.

Digital Obedience Cuff [F, Predicament]

Most of the fetish stuff wasn’t really her thing, but they tended to pay the best. Tameena adjusted the lighting on the tripod lamp towering over her, training the soft glow on her barefoot cradled in her hand, all her nails a satisfying match of dark purple. Her studio apartment was modest in size, the walls an alarming raspberry shade, with glossy light-wood floorboards. The space was littered with a mismatched array of white furniture amassed over years of deal-hunting online, with an abundance of blankets, framed pictures and cushions, creating a homely and inviting atmosphere. The curtains had been left open on the bright Saturday morning allowing the natural light to cascade into the room. The benefit of being several floors up was that Tameena didn’t have to worry about anyone looking in on her prancing around naked while she worked.

Video Chat Trap [F/M, Predicament]

*Please let me know your thoughts on the below draft before I submit to my* Literotica page*, your help on a better title and spotting any grammar/wording issues I missed would be super helpful :)*

*If you haven’t noticed, all stories on this account occur in the same universe so feel free to look at my other stories if you want to see more like this. N*

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Obviously I knew it wasn’t healthy. My fascination with this girl had graduated from “Mostly Harmless” to “Quite Creepy” in a matter of weeks. I had her social media feeds. I fantasised about every manner of debaucherous acts with her, but by far my strangest behaviour was my most recent tendency of making her video full-screen during remote team calls. Most of the time she wasn’t even talking, I just got to admire her reactions. Jess was utterly stunning, and I found myself studying her expressions: the hint of a frown across her brow when someone mentioned a complex issue; that glowing smile when her work was commended. When that all too rare smile unveiled itself, my chest tightened and my cock twitched.

Forced to Match the Movements [FFM, predicament, machine]

Esma was always insatiable after a big night out. As the yellow of the sun began to pierce through the gaps in the curtains, both girls came-to gently. Fuzzy memories of the night before danced around their blurry minds, the taste of tequila still dark on their tongues. It wasn’t long before Ashley spotted the wicked look in Esma’s eye.

Last night they crashed as soon as they got home, they never really had drunk sex – despite how horny Ashley would get when buzzed – because Esma was always too sleepy. On the other hand, Esma loved hungover morning sex and was already letting her hands roam Ashley’s incredible figure through the thin silky pajamas. She ran her dainty fingers up Ashley’s taut stomach up to the swelling orbs of her chest, gently tracing her fingers over the hardening nipples. Another hand groped Ashley’s ripe little ass, trailing down the spongy soft skin of her slender legs.

Ashley’s skin was pale and creamy, lightly dusted with tiny freckles. The most concentrated freckles were across her nose, trailing to those irresistible pillowy cheeks. She was adorable. How could someone be so cute in their mid-twenties? Esma was always struck but how beautiful her partner was. Those shimmering blue eyes, and her dirty blonde hair, combined with her sizable tits and sensational figure – it was a dangerous combination.

The Sybian Trap – Part 2 [F, Predicament]

Part 1 [here](

Suddenly all the energy that had left her returned in a stab of adrenaline shooting out from her stomach. She was paralysed for a moment, staring at the words as the ‘For’ bar began to be filled in with green from the left hand side. A little red trickled into the ‘Against’ bar, but with hardly anyone seemed to be voting the way she would have liked. A few messages popped up as people cast their vote.

“Nah not my thing” said one

“I came already, no sense hurting the poor girl.” came another. But most of them were wholly in favour.

“Put it in her ass, you can tell she wants it,” said one message.

“She’s gonna be so tight.” read another. Her eyes watered as she read them. She was too shocked to speak. This couldn’t be happening to her, how could they still find more to take from her. Hadn’t they taken enough?

The Sybian Trap [F, Predicament]

As she came-to she became aware of a roaring pleasure coursing through her, radiating out from the steady vibrations thrumming between her legs. As if emerging from cold water, she gasped for breath, opening her eyes to the confusing array of lights and cacophony of sound assaulting her senses. She was in a bright square room. No not a room, it was too small; more of a box. The walls, floor and ceiling were white cushioned leather, with soft led lighting strips at every corner. She was on her knees, and the top of the box was only a few feet above her head. The item between her legs was the only remotely familiar object. She recognised it from videos online, a sybian vibrator. A black saddle with a dildo protruding from the top, which was currently working away inside her, vibrating against her g-spot, accompanied by pads that massaged her clit at the same frequency. She had never used one before, and now recognised how worthy it was of its widespread popularity.

Forced to the Edge

He raised his glass in mock victory before knocking back the final swig of a pink fizzy cider. James swallowed down the sugary mixture with an exaggerated gulp, slamming the glass back down on the table triumphantly.

Sara laughed, “Stop being an ass and go get the next round.”

“Alrighty,” he said, standing wobbly. Hours of boozing were beginning to take effect.

“Same again please!” she shouted to him as he walked away, jiggling her glass of her gin and tonic in his direction. Sara’s smile glistened sweetly.

They were in a fancy hotel bar uptown, a few floors up with a beautiful view of the city as the sun faded and the blue of dusk rolled over the skyline. The tinkering of piano music over the speakers was a little pretentious for James’ liking, but this has been Leo’s choice. The velvety green seats and walnut furnishings were exactly his brand of frivolity. Leo was in the middle of an account of his third date with some guy he’d met online and Sara was on the edge of her seat.

The Sybian Trap – Part 2

Part 1 [here](

Suddenly all the energy that had left her returned in a stab of adrenaline shooting out from her stomach. She was paralysed for a moment, staring at the words as the ‘For’ bar began to be filled in with green from the left hand side. A little red trickled into the ‘Against’ bar, but with hardly anyone seemed to be voting the way she would have liked. A few messages popped up as people cast their vote.

“Nah not my thing” said one

“I came already, no sense hurting the poor girl.” came another. But most of them were wholly in favour.

“Put it in her ass, you can tell she wants it,” said one message.

“She’s gonna be so tight.” read another. Her eyes watered as she read them. She was too shocked to speak. This couldn’t be happening to her, how could they still find more to take from her. Hadn’t they taken enough?

The Sybian Trap

As she came-to she became aware of a roaring pleasure coursing through her, radiating out from the steady vibrations thrumming between her legs. As if emerging from cold water, she gasped for breath, opening her eyes to the confusing array of lights and cacophony of sound assaulting her senses. She was in a bright square room. No not a room, it was too small; more of a box. The walls, floor and ceiling were white cushioned leather, with soft led lighting strips at every corner. She was on her knees, and the top of the box was only a few feet above her head. The item between her legs was the only remotely familiar object. She recognised it from videos online, a sybian vibrator. A black saddle with a dildo protruding from the top, which was currently working away inside her, vibrating against her g-spot, accompanied by pads that massaged her clit at the same frequency. She had never used one before, and now recognised how worthy it was of its widespread popularity.

The Work Trip Predicament [M/F] – Part 4

Part 1 [here]( – Part 2 [here]( – Part 3 [here](

The manager entered the room, leaving the door open behind her, a door Mike was certain had been locked earlier. She had the air of a school teacher, but not the stern kind, the one that was well liked by her students. Her eyes were kind, a brilliant blue framed by wavy blonde locks; a few strands dangled either side of her face. Though she appeared friendly, she stood with that air of authority reserved for sharply dressed women in heels. Alina retreated back a few steps, holding the device and a cum-soaked napkin behind her back, uncertain of how best to proceed. Mike held no such reservations.

“So are you going to tell us what the hell is going on here?” He asked

“I’m sure you have questions,” she remarked, she had a New Zealand accent that gave a sing-songy tone to her speech, “I’ll do my best to answer them for you, but please don’t put me in your crosshairs. What’s happening to you has little to do with me.”

Mike was taken aback by this bluntness, his aggression was tempered, and his curiosity peaked.