Fear, Lust and a Woman Scorned (part 1)

He awoke to find himself tied to a chair in a room completely alien to him, Wild eyes scramble to remember what occurred the night before.


his rapid heartbeat signifying his concern for his lack of memory, “Whats going on? Where am i?” he thought as he looked over the barren room

windowless, heartless, cold. the room a solid white cell

he took a chance

“hello? is anybody there?” his voice almost praying there was no response

its prayer went unanswered however as a voice quickly responded from behind


he recognised that voice

“Hazel?” his head kicked up and attempted to look behind himself to no avail

the clacking of heels along the solid floor got louder as they approached from behind

“so you remember me” the soft voice whispers to his ear.

the voice becomes sharp

“but if you remember me, why did you break your promise?”

the word forever echoes into his mind

“i-i didnt mean to, im sorry, i never thought i would see you again” hes voice fills with fear as he scrambles to say the right words for her to forgive him