And then Darkness – Part 3 [MF][PiV][Oral]

I woke up groggy and unclear of where I was. I could hear the wind blowing the trees outside. It was cool in the room, and I could see moonlight coming through the crack between the curtains. I was laying on a soft bed. My bed, I wondered? I lifted my head a little and could see if was indeed in my own bed. Next to me was my wife. She was still sleeping.

Was it all a horribly bad dream? A nightmare? I reached up and touched my head where it had hit the wall. It was bandaged and still painful to the touch. My wrists and ankles were sore too, and I remember the zip ties. My upper back felt burned from the taser. No, it wasn’t a bad dream, but it was a living nightmare.

How did I get in the bed? My wife certainly couldn’t do that on her own. Who bandaged my head? She couldn’t stand the sight of blood. I was wearing on boxer briefs. The pair I hand on yesterday. Someone took off the rest of my clothes. Looking back towards my wife, I was both comforted and bothered by her presence. I was angry with her for what happened, it I was also relieved that I might get some answers.

And then Darkness – Part Two [MF] [Oral]

Part Two (part one can be found [here]( .)

When I came to I was inside my house. I had been placed in a chair, one of our heavy wooden dinning room chairs. It had been moved into the living room, and I was zip tied around the wrists and ankles.

My head throbbed on both sides, and I was sure the side that hit the wall had a nasty cut. I don’t know how long I was out, but it wasn’t all that long as my wife was still on her knees between his legs.

“What the hell is going on here?” I demanded to know.

The man didn’t answer me and looked down at my wife. She had stop moving.

“I didn’t tell you to stop.” He grumbled at her.

She glanced back at me for a moment and then went back to sucking his cock. Her head and shoulders obstructed my view so I couldn’t see what she was doing, but I could hear the sucking and slurping sounds.

“I asked you a question. What the hell is going on here?”

And then Darkness – Part One (MF Oral)

Traveling for work all the time had become a real drag. It was a drag on my health and fitness. A drag in my marriage. My wife and I had started to drift apart and acted more like co-parents rather than lovers. Being in our early 40s, we should have been hitting our sexual groove, but instead we rarely had sex and never saw each other naked.

As I drove home from the airport on a brisk Autumn afternoon, I was excited to be home more than a day earlier than planned. It was fall break for our two daughters, and they were away with friends for the long weekend. My wife and I would have four days to ourselves. It could be a real chance to reconnect. I was excited for the opportunity and the possibilities that might be in our future. Then I turned the corner and saw three black 7 Series BMWs sitting in the driveway.