[FM] Lack of self-control with each other

I wrote a story about my friend a while back. We ended things rather abruptly since he got a girlfriend. Unfortunately, things didn’t work out for them. And of course, he turns his attention back to me for some distractions and fun.

Well he started talking to me again. The day leading up to the night of fun I ended up giving him a knife my grandfather made. That was the general topic of conversation for a while. Then, of course, he asked me to come over. I was very reluctant, but I ended up caving and got dressed and drove to his place.

When I got there, I got greeted by his adorable doggo. He kissed me the way he kisses me, basically making me feel amazing. I get ushered into his place, while I’m trying not to smile like a derp. We go to his room, and as soon as I set my stuff down he is kissing and running his hands all over me. He pulls my shirt off, and fumbles with my skinny jeans.

[FM] Encounter after class

I hope this is “gonewild” enough!

Backstory: My boyfriend has been gone for most of the year, and I wasn’t able to go with him because of school. I go to the university, I’m a junior in a Physical Education degree program. There are two tracks within the degree program, one more geared being a PE teacher, or some form of physical therapist or coach, the other is Outdoor recreation. I’m currently in the first one, but I’ve been racking my mind if I should switch or not. As you can guess that almost everyone in my degree program is super active, and relatively in shape. Throughout this last semester I lost around 30 lbs. and it feels great. I am significantly more comfortable in my skin.

Well! Cue an attractive guy that I’ve noticed the past couple of semesters. Being lonely, and wanting just conversation, start talking to him more. He is an Outdoor Rec guy, so automatically even more attractive to me. Things go kind of quickly into dirty messaging, and there is a lot of sexual tension when we are on campus, or just around each other. Beside that, I actually like talking to him. It doesn’t require a lot of thought to have a normal conversation with him.