Stupid Femboy Roommate (MM)

The knife slid easily through the tape. I was rather puzzled when the controller I ordered appeared to actually be a red plaid skirt. Alex stumbled out of his bedroom and grabbed the box.
“Oh uh, that’s mine” he hoisted the box and hastily retreated.

I wasn’t sure what was going on, I thought that maybe he was buying this stuff for a girlfriend. But if he had one, he never spoke of her. My mind wandered to lewd places as I imagined Alex wearing that skirt. I pictured his small frame and flat stomach, twirling as the skirt lifts- I shook my head.

“What the hell is wrong with me” I said quietly to myself. I’m straight. I’ve never wanted to be with a man my whole life. But something about Alex rubbed me the wrong way (or the right way?) It was the little things that got me. Just a quick smile or a wink as we pass each other in the hallway would tighten my shorts.

I hadn’t ruled it out that he could be into crossdressing. He’s always assured me that he’s completely straight no matter how many times I tell him that I would support him.