I Found A Wife and Family in Kazakhstan [MF]

If you want to skip to the sexy bits, just go find the (***) as there will be a bit of background information before the story truly begins.

Kazakhstan wasn’t a place I had ever thought I would end up finding what I can only describe as pure happiness. I have traveled the world and had my sexual fun from Bali to Moscow and so many places in between. I’m originally from the United States and growing up, I had only had a few relationships with women until I began to travel, however, the fact that I could no longer be the shy, quiet, nerdy guy made me become someone I had never expected. I became confident and certain of myself with stories of wild events on my trips that my family and friends would hang onto and discuss at any family events I returned from abroad for. A little about me at he time of the story, I was freshly 30, shaved head, great shape from spending time dating a yoga teacher in Bali for a long time who made sure everything in my body was “balanced” and I then maintained with green eyes and a “devilish” smile as I was told by the other main character of my story, but soon we will get to her.