So recently my partner and I have opened up our relationship. It has led to a lot of fun experiences for both of us separately and together.
This is a solo story:
I’m an attorney. I don’t look like a typical attorney. I look more like my other passion which is typical long-haired musician. I don’t have a ridiculous body or an unfathomable cock. Other than the good good hair, a dad bod, and charming blue eyes I’m at a loss for why I’m so appealing to the opposite sex. I digress.
Anyway, I got a call from an old fling who has been promoted to CEO of her company after the current CEO decided to step away. She asked if I could draft some basic forms. I said I’d be happy to give them a gander and do some document prep but because this industry is outside of my wheelhouse I told her I’d be cautious about not sending them off to another more apt attorney to sign off on when we were through.