A Helpful Neighbour (f, 45)

Another story from this past winter.

It was the biggest snowstorm this winter. We didn’t go out to shovel that night knowing that we would only have to shovel multiple times anyway. Our snowblower would take care of it in less time anyway.

The next day there was a break in the weather so hubby and I went out to use the snowblower. It started out fine and hubby ended up getting a couple passes done then the belt went. And it stopped throwing snow.

The thought of shoveling 30cm of snow wasn’t a pleasant one. I was about to call my father for help when Barry, the guy across the street came over and asked if we needed help.

We told Barry what happened and he looked at our blower with hubby. He agreed that it was out of commission and offered to bring his blower over.

Barry was a nice guy. He and his wife moved into the house about a year ago. He was around 55 years old, 5’8, stalky and works as guard. Beth, his wife is a nurse.

A Christmas story (f, 45)

A little late, but still a hot one to post!

After spending the morning at my mother in laws for Christmas, hubby, our oldest daughter and myself went to spend the day at my dads for our Christmas dinner. An event that always brings my family together.

It was a great afternoon, sitting chatting with my sister, father and mother in law before everyone else got there for dinner. Around 4pm, everyone started to arrive. In total there was 32 people there. Uncles, cousins and Roger a friend of my dad’s.

After dinner we all sat around chatting. Knowing Roger is a retired mechanic I went over to talk to him about my Van. I have been having some acceleration issues lately.

“Is it the vehicle you brought today? Roger inquired.

At 65 Roger was still a good looking man. Silver hair and goatee. He and my dad have been friends for many years.

I told Roger that it was the vehicle that I was having issues with. He said he would have a look at it if he took it for a drive.

A Much Needed Break. (f) 45.

My first post to this sub reddit.

Today was such a beautiful day. Blue skies, not a cloud to be seen. Tired of being cooped up in the house because of this Covid-19 virus, I decided to head out to the park down the street to sit by the water and read.

Hubby was sitting in his reading chair comfy and relaxed so he decided to stay home. I went into the bedroom and changed into a pair of black yoga pants and tank top. No bra, and a g-string to hide any panty lines that might so up in the sun.

I said goodbye to hubby saying I’d be home in a couple of hours and I got in my car for the short two block drive to the park.

There wasn’t too many people there because of the public ban which was nice. I sat my chair under some trees to get away from some of the sun. The waves on the shore was very relaxing.

It was still fairly quiet an hour later. A man was walking toward me along the shore walking his dog. I smiled at me as he got closer. We both said hi as he walked past.