Well. This is possibly the worst first post I could’ve possibly made, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
For some background…
I live with my parents for several personal reasons. A few years back, we started losing money. My stepdad left his job, my mother can’t work because of mental issues, and all I can do is babysit for family members due to my crippling anxiety. We’ve been getting most of our money from my dad and the pity money my therapist sends every few months. I tried to learn art to help make money, but of course, I won’t get very far very quick with only a year of practice. I am still practicing art but I’ve turned to writing now.
I have a positive history of writing. I passed English classes, got awards for my work and even got a small book published.
The reason I’m doing this all now particularly is because we’re making even less money than before without my stepdad’s income, he’s leaving my mum and I cannot let her get any more depressed than she is. So I’ll be writing some…NSFW stuff.