[FM] fucking tired

I was fucking tired last night.

I had a friend over. We have been hanging out and having sex for a couple weeks. We’re both in our 30s. I’ve been living the blessed single life. She just exited a long, ugly relationship.

I’m beginning to realize she is quite clingy. She wants my attention always, and she frequently makes me tell her “no” multiple times before she takes the point. Usually her feelings get hurt. Sometimes I relent and give her what she wants.

Two nights ago I had to be blunt with her over text, telling her I need her to listen when I say “no” and not ask me again. I had told her at the beginning of the day I couldn’t hang out in the evening because of work. Yet, she still asked me to cook dinner for her. Even after I said “sorry, I’m working, not tonight” she asked if I would come watch a movie after work. And even after I responded “tonight is really not a good night for me, I have to work tomorrow” she texted me yet again at 10pm to ask me to come over for a bit. I called her out for it, and she got upset.