My Husband Wanted to See Me Fuck Another Man. I Gladly Made His Fantasy Come True. PART 1 – MORE IN BIO.

When my husband first told me that he fantasised about me fucking other guys, its fair to say I was a little bit surprised. I wondered if it was some kind of test. If he was going to start calling me a cheat and a slut if I said I wanted to do it. Then he told me what he liked about it: the thought of relinquishing control, seeing the woman he loved animalistically fucked by someone with all thought of emotion taken out of it. I was very keen on the idea.

We began to explore his fantasy slowly at first, as appears to be the done thing. I made a profile on a dating app and we would spend a couple of hours every other evening swiping through the never ending barrage of horny guys that we were faced with. I would talk about the ones that I thought were hot and we’d send them a couple of messages. It took a while before I became completely comfortable with the idea but I soon began exchanging dirty messages with the guys on the app. And I would read them out to my husband while he fucked me and I’d feel how much harder it made him and how much more it made him want me. I’d talk about other men we’d seen, telling him how I wanted to be used by them. That led to some of the best sex we’d ever had. It’s safe to say we were both into the idea.

I had sex with my sister’s husband. On their wedding day! She has no idea. PART 1 – LINK IN BIO FOR MORE

‘Holly, I want you to be my maid of honour.’

When your sister says that to you, you don’t really imagine yourself having sex with her new husband on her wedding day but that’s exactly what happened with me. Weird how things work out, huh?

It was a beautiful venue. A grand stately home that seemed like something out of a fairy tale. The great building sat at the edge of its own grounds that stretched for acres beyond. It had its own lake and its own forest, it could easily have been the crowning jewel in a kingdom.

The wedding had gone perfectly. They had said ‘I do’ and we’d thrown confetti over the happy couple while they shared their first several kisses as husband and wife. My sister looked beautiful in her bridal dress and I’d done my duties of making sure she didn’t trip over her train or veil which she easily could have done in the heels she was wearing. She was only small, 5’4 but still an inch taller than me, but her heels had bought her almost to eye level with Darren, the – devilishly handsome and object of my most secret fantasies – groom.

My friend and I had sex with different guys on the same bed, lying next to one another. Part 1 – LINK TO MORE IN BIO

It wasn’t the first time Sophie and I had kissed. From the very first night that we met one another in fresher’s week, we’d been able to use our sexuality to ensure that every night we went out we were showered in free drinks. You’d be amazed how many guys hit on you when you’re kissing another (stunning) girl. Or maybe you wouldn’t be. You know what horny university students are like.

The night in question, our aim was more than free drinks. We were a month away from graduating university and a few of the girls on our course were throwing a party at their student house. It was the first night I’d planned to go big on for a long time. I’d spent the last few months either in my bedroom or in the university library finishing coursework and cramming for exams that were going to shape the rest of my life.

I needed a release.

I’d already downed several glasses of vodka lemonade by the time I’d arrived and met Sophie at the party. And we’d continued down the same path. Drink after drink with the odd shot thrown in for good measure. We’d built up a pretty good tolerance for alcohol over the past three years but as the time approached midnight I was starting to feel it.

I’m the reason my best friend’s parents got divorced. And she doesn’t have a clue. Part 1 – LINK TO MORE IN BIO

I’ve been told I’m a bad influence. A lot of my friends’ parents don’t like their precious little girls hanging around with me. They think because I wear skirts that barely cover my bum and my perky little nipples poke through my tops that I’m going to somehow corrupt their angelic daughters. It’s not their daughters that I have my sights set on.

Abi has been one of my closest friends since we were in nursery. I’ve lost count of the number of times that Abi’s mum has tried to stop her from hanging out with me but it’s never worked. We’re now both 18 and I still hate her mum for it. Abi tells me the things her mum says about me when I’m not there.

‘She’s a slut.’

‘She’s only interested in men.’

‘Don’t be like her.’

‘She looks like she belongs on a street corner.’

Well, Mrs Coral can fuck off.

The Babysitter (FM) Part 1 – LINK TO MORE IN BIO – Emma discovers that her neighbour watches babysitter porn and has saved numerous photos of her in her bikini. What will she do?

Emma coughed as the door opened, unleashing a wave of aftershave into her nostrils and throat.

‘Too much?’ Darren said.

‘Little bit,’ Emma smiled, composing herself. She looked up at Darren who was clearly keen to make an impression. He was wearing a freshly ironed pink shirt with smart black jeans and a pair of shoes that Emma was quite sure had only just been taken out of the box. Next to him, Emma felt quite a mess, having come from next door with a hoody and shorts combination.

‘Who’s the lucky lady?’ Emma asked.

Darren took out his phone and brought up a picture of dating profile of someone called “Harriet, 24”.

‘Isn’t she like half your age?’

Darren laughed, shaking his head and putting his phone away. ‘I’m only 40, I’m not dead yet. And besides, a lot of girls like older men, you know.’

‘More older men like young girls,’ Emma smiled, walking past Darren into his house. ‘You don’t want to be late.’

‘The kids are already in bed, help yourself to whatever you like. Thank you.’

‘And if you bring your date home should I just sneak out the back?’

Relieving Stress at Work (MF) Part 1 – MORE IN BIO

Alice stared at the email she had just received. She took deep breaths, a desperate attempt to remain calm. The words were there in black and white. The exact words she did not want to see. Not today.

‘Thank you for your time Alice. It was really lovely getting to know you but we’ve chosen to go with another provider in this instance. No hard feelings. Mike x’

She stared out at the sea of empty desks across the office floor. A handful of people still in. A couple from her sales team. As if it hadn’t been a stressful enough day already, that email signalled twenty thousand pounds slipping from her grasp.

Damn Mike. She could hear his voice as she read his email over and over again. She could imagine the slimy smirk he had on his face while he’d composed the email, no doubt wearing a shirt two sizes too small for him just to show off those muscles he so clearly obsessed over. He had used her, no doubt, to get a better offer elsewhere. Nobody used her.

Categorized as Erotica