My Father-in-law (Ch.05) [F/M]

Chapter 5 [(Link to Chapter 4)](

That whole day was torture. All I wanted to do was to sneak off into John’s study and have him bend me over his desk, but Jake followed me around like a lost puppy. He had been laying on the couch for two months, and now all of a sudden he was full of life and joy. It almost made me feel too guilty to continue.


Jake and I swam in the pool, made and ate lunch, went for a walk, held hands, kissed under a large oak tree, all the things I would have loved to do a week ago. Longed for, even. Now all I longed for was his father’s big hands running over my body. The hours went by, slowly, and I didn’t see John for the entire day. Jake had spoken to him earlier, he said, and apparently his father was stuck in business meetings all day.

The hours went by, as slow as torture, and I felt anxious and nervous all the while. The guilt was creeping up on me now, as well, a deep, dark sinking in my gut.

My Father-in-law (Ch.04) [F/M]

Chapter 4 [(Link to chapter 3)](

As John disappeared down the hallway I closed the door behind him, locking myself in the bathroom. I had stood up, but now I felt my knees buckle beneath me and I let myself fall to the floor.

I sat there for a moment as my desire for John burned brighter than ever, the salty taste of his cum on my tongue. The shame and guilt over what I had done came crashing down over me, and slowly I lay down on the heated floor, letting my feelings overtake me.

I could no longer pretend that nothing had happened. This was no flirt, no innocent peeping. I had just given my father-in-law a blowjob. More than that, I had loved it. Perhaps to calm myself down, perhaps to wallow in my own self hatred, I let my fingers trail down between my legs, pushing my panties aside.

I was wetter than I had ever been before; my own juices had soaked through my panties and now they formed a little trail down my thigh. I slowly slid a finger inside my swollen vagina. It was easier than I thought, and it was quickly followed by a second finger as I started to rub my g-spot, feeling the warm sensation run through my entire stomach.

My Father-in-law (Ch.03) [F/M]

Chapter 3 [(Link to chapter two)](

Jake´s mood improved after our session on the couch, which only served to fuel my guilty conscience. That whole afternoon we spent by the pool, basking in the warm summer sun, swimming together, kissing each other more often than we had in months. All the while, I felt the guilt and shame over what I had done gnawing inside my stomach, eating me from inside. But all the guilt in the world couldn´t erase the memory of how excited I had felt as I locked eyes with John, his son´s cock deep inside of me. Every time I tried to think of something else, distract myself with other things, his steely grey gaze rushed into my mind, blowing everything else away.

I wanted him to see me. I wanted his eyes to devour my skin, to wander over my body like a man dying of thirst spotting an oasis in the distance.

My Father-in-law (Ch. 02) [F/M]

Chapter 2 [(Link to chapter one)](

I didn´t sleep that night. I lay in bed next to Jake, mind racing and heart beating with such force that I was afraid it was going to burst. I had a deep, dark sensation in the pit of my stomach, a mixture of guilt, shame and… well, lust. I couldn´t remember the last time I had been so turned on and even now I felt myself getting wet every time I tried to go to sleep, only to have John´s massive cock flash right before my eyes, tempting me into sin.

I tossed and turned in the darkness of our room, trying to make sense of what had happened. It all seemed like some feverish dream. A dream I could not help but long to experience again. I mean, it was not all my fault, was it? John hadn´t exactly thrown me out or even reprimanded me. He had continued.

I watched the sun rise through the curtains, a gradual change in colour and lighting as I lay sweating next to Jake. My sweet, oblivious Jake, who even now looked tortured and saddened by the hand life had dealt us. And now this. The guilt grew even stronger in my stomach, and I thought I would never be able to forgive myself.

My Father-in-law (Ch. 01) [F/M]

I don’t know how it happened. It was all so sudden, it all happened so quickly, and I felt more like a bystander in a train wreck rather than a participant in the event. There was something about him that seemed to take my anxiety away, a reassuring presence that helped me overcome the confusion and the disappointment of what had happened. I was doomed from the start, from that very first night.

My fiancé Jake had gotten engaged right after we graduated college. We tried for months to get an apartment, but with the outbreak of the virus we had both lost our jobs, and no one wanted to rent out to two unemployed 21-year-olds. I had been sad, but Jake was… devastated. He had worked so hard for his dreams ever since I met him, and now to have them taken away just as they were starting to become more than just dreams; it had almost crushed him completely. It was hard, seeing him like this. I felt like there was nothing I could do, nothing that could help him.