The Doll Factory, part 14 (Slowburn)


“They want you in Processing again Minna” Boss man said as he entered the breakroom, Minnas lunchbreak had just started. Had it been any other task she would have frowned and cursed but this was east wing, this was fascinating. She pushed her tray aside and got on her feets, “Is it the conveyor belt again?” Minna asked as she wondered what tools to bring. “No” Bossman paused “They need more pressurized air on the Testing Floor, and they asked for you”. The room erupted in jesting and banter from her coworkers, Minna wasnt sure why.

This time Minna knew her way to Processing. She walked passed the conveyor belt she had previously fixed, dolls were moving on it, it was working fine. At the end of the room she saw Mike talking to someone she didnt know. Mike was his usual naked impressive self and the other person was shorter and thinner, wearing a labcoat. The closer Minna got the more certain she was that the argument was heated. “There you are, took you long enough” Mike greeted her as his head turned to her. He reached out his hand and Minna shook it firmly, “Here I am”.

The Doll Factory, part 10-13 (Slowburn)

*Castlelike 2*

Minna straightened her squated body and turned towards Boss man. “What the hell are you doing here?”, Minna could barely look at him, she felt guilty and caught. By reflex she forced the most innocent and quirky smile she could muster “I was looking at the holes, I mean lips, mouths, I didnt understand what they were.” Boss mans facial expression did not lighten, “What are you doing *here*, at the party, if you snuck in here you will be in a world of hurt”. “Oh” Minna replied instantly, “I was invited, by Anthony, we are childhood friends”. This time his face did change, abit, it gave a skeptical look, “Anthony? Anthony Hampton?” “Yes” Minna replied, now having done away with most of her fake smile, feeling in control of the situation, “Anthony Hampton is your childhood friend?”, Minna nodded affirmatively.

“There you are” Anthony exclaimed as he stood in the hallway outside the room, he entered and his smile instantly turned to a grin as he saw Boss man, “Kevin” Anthony said and offered his hand, “Tony”, Boss man reluctantly replied during the firm shake. “Is this old fuck bothering you?” Anthony jested as he faced Minna, his facial expression still lighthearted, Minna appreciated the banter and a genuine smile now dressed her face, “Only at work”.

The Doll Factory, part 7-9 (Slowburn)

*Slow sunday*

Minna watched from the door frame as Amy slept. Her eyes wandered over the dolls bare skin, Minna could feel Anthony standing behind her, his breath against her neck, his mouth slowly moving towards her ear, “Its time to get to work Minna” he whispered.

Minna was more than willing to pay the messy price that the dreams left her with, but she cursed that they ended too soon. She collected her bed sheets in a basket together with some clothing and placed it by the door. It was sunday, and it was definitely not time for work.

The weekend had so far gone according to plan. Friday night she had more or less collapsed as she stepped inside her apartment, and saturday had been perfectly eventless. The thought of having nothing to do today was however no longer a welcome one, Minna was bored. She thought about taking a walk, or washing the content of the basket, neither was appealing enough to put into action. She let her fingers run across the table as her mind tried to find something to do. Her old yoga mat was still in one of the boxes that she had yet to unpack, and although it wasnt a tempting idea she could use the exercise.

The Doll Factory, part 4-6 (Slowburn)


Minnas dreams now include Amy. She didnt think about it when they met but Amy was cute, tanned skin, short curvy frame and pretty eyes. Minna watches the crew work her over, sometimes asked to help, not with the actual work but some minor detail in the periphery, and Minna gladly does it. She hands one a towel, the rest of the crew keeps working, you can hardly see Amy between all that moving muscle.

The work week started of well as Minna was given a task she knew inside and out, making coffee. This wasnt because she was a female, but because she wanted something to do, The team sat around in the breakroom having nothing to do until, as Boss man put it, “Some pencil pusher draws some lines on a piece of paper”. Minna didnt mind, they played cards and the usual banter was in full force. Who fucked what, who killed what, and who built what, was the three common topics, as Minna didnt have much to share in any of those she mostly stayed quiet.

The Doll Factory, part 1-3 (Slowburn)

*The Welder*

Minna was excited, not only was this her first day at her new job, but she had just spent her first night in her new apartment and was now enjoying a cup of coffee as she stood and enjoyed the view out of her kitchen window. “Had I rent an apartment 2 floors above me I bet I could have seen all the way to the factory”, she thought as her gaze tried to navigate the outskirts of the city in the direction of where she was almost certain that her new work was.

Minna took her time with her morning routine, having packed her bag and prepared everything last night she could enjoy the moment. But it was hard. She was excited and nervous. What would the coworkers be like, would her learned skills be enough, what if she messed up? Minna´s thoughts started racing in that usual downward spiral that only made things worse. She shook her head and finished her milk filled coffee, and with one last look in the mirror she threw her bag over her shoulder and headed out.