An AI generated story(its get weird😂😂)

I want to fuck her more than I’ve ever fucked anyone.

I wanna try everything.

Just the way she looks at me, I can tell she’s not ready to let me take her, but that’s okay.

I’ll wait.

For now.

I rub my thumb over her swollen clit.

A sharp gasp of pleasure escapes her lips as she shudders in my arms.

She reaches up and runs her fingers through my hair, then shoves her hand into my collar, rubbing my n**ples.

I lean my head down to her ear.

“That’s what I’m talking about, pumpkin.

That’s what I’m talking about.”

I don’t know how long we just stay like that.

Our bodies become wet with sweat.

I run my hand up her side, then over her breast, grazing the tip of her nipple with my thumb.

My dick is begging for her touch.

Her breathing becomes faster and faster and her n**ples get even harder.

All the while, my hand moves up and down her back, not able to go any higher.