I(M20) have a complicated relationship with my coworker(F21) Part Three [MF]

Part one and two is on my account.

She told me to stand up and I did, something about her command made my whole body tingle in anticipation. She reached for my belt and I watched her delicate fingers undo it and work on the button and zipper of my jeans. She didn’t take her time like I did, she pulled both my jeans and boxers to my ankles at the same time and my cock sprung out. I surprisingly didn’t lose my erection while eating her out so my head was glistening with precum and it leaked onto her hand as she grabbed my shaft and stroked me, staring and admiring it all.

She gave it one good lick which almost made my knees gave out and told me that she didn’t know if I could fit. I reassured her because I’m humble, my girth is only a problem if I’m not patient. She gave me a cheeky smile before then asking me for the condom, which took me out of the moment as I had to rummage through my pants while also taking out the lube. This gave her time to lay her head on the armrest on the couch and play with herself. I sat at the other edge of the couch, poured the lube into my hand, and inserted a finger gently.

I(M20) have a complicated relationship with my coworker(F21) Part Two [MF]

Part one is on my page. I marked when the sex begins if you want to skip the exposition.

Some time had passed and when I quit that job, she was talking to someone else so we naturally drifted apart. I was just sitting on my phone lounging around when I got a text from her. We exchanged hellos and how are yous and from there, we were texting for days on end. It’s like we couldn’t run out of things to talk about. I was feeling more confident that maybe the moment we shared meant something to her because it certainly meant something to me. I took the plunge and asked her if she would like to check out this antique store, as friends of course. She delightfully accepted and I felt like a kid again, feeling that same rush of excitement when you and your crush brushed hands or sat together during class.

The day of the “friend” date came, I brushed my teeth three times although I doubted I’d be brave enough to go in for a kiss. She decided to pick me up and we would ride in her car. Nothing exciting happened on our date, we laughed and enjoyed each other’s company and shared some peeks at each other but the fun came after we got in her car after spending hours of looking at funky trinkets.

I(M20) have a complicated relationship with my coworker(F21) [MF]

This is pretty tame compared to most other stories on here and no sex happens in this part but I will be making a part two where I dive into the nitty gritty.

We met at work and for the sake of the story, we’ll call her T. She was the designated “It Girl” at work. A lot of guys liked her and relentlessly flirted with her. I on the other hand wasn’t attracted to her at first so it was easy to become buddies. Her charisma as a friend was off the charts, she was stunning and confident. She spent so much time maintaining her pretty curls, doing her makeup, and having a lax work fit that was loose and street casual that complimented her 5’4″ frame perfectly. I admired her and respected her style genuinely and surprisingly, we got along well despite me being more on the intorverted side. But we had plenty in common, things like music taste, our mexican heritage, and the fact that we both grew up in the same small suburb helped pull us together.