Melissa worked her magic again [MFF]

I always enjoy when I’m apart of someone trying something new. That’s what I have for you today. It involves two girls from previous stories I’ve shared here, Sam and Melissa.

Sam is 5’7” with blonde hair and brown eyes. She’s above average in looks but what sold her to me was that she has a nice ass that’s rounded perfectly. At the time of this story she had also just gotten a tattoo with 5 small hearts on her right shoulder blade for her and four sisters. As for me I’m 6’5” with brown hair and blue eyes.

As far as Sam’s personality goes, to put it simply she’s not the wisest individual. She lacks a bit of common sense but that’s ok I don’t really judge. In the bedroom, she started out below average at best but has improved especially since the first time I hooked up with her. I call her a starfish in the bedroom. She basically just lays there and takes it. This sounds horrible as I put it into words but she was rather easy to get so anytime I needed to get a nut off and no one else was available I’d slide a text her way and she’d almost always be down. I’m not exactly proud to say that but that’s what it was at the time.

We started filming us having sex with each other but the best thing to happen to us wasn’t filmed [Group]

2020 was a terrible year, that I think we can all agree on. For me personally, my sophomore year of college got cut short and went online for the rest of the year. Despite the world seemingly getting flipped upside down, I gotta say I actually had a pretty good time.

Why you ask?

Well, let me introduce you to Vicky and Alethea, who helped me make money in ways I didn’t think I would be able to make money. This whole incident comes about really only due to perfect timing. Had it not been for covid, this probably would’ve never happened.

Around the end of February 2020, my second semester of my sophomore year of college, and a few short days before the world went to shit, I was hooking up with my friend Vicky. Vicky is 5’5” with green eyes and at the time she had long blonde hair. She has the word “Fearless” in bold lettering tattooed on her right hip.

A much appreciated concert invite [MFF]

It was a couple weeks before I started my sophomore year of college in 2019 when I got a text from Sabrina asking, “Hey one of my friends can’t go to the concert this weekend do you wanna go?” She followed it up with, “I haven’t seen you in a while and I thought it’d be fun.”

“Yeah sure. I can come up on Thursday.” I told her.

“That sounds amazing! I’ll see you then!” she answered back. I was surprised she invited me but I wasn’t going to question it. For those of you who don’t know who Sabrina is, she’s the girl from the first story I posted on this subreddit. She’s 5’6” with tan skin. She had brown hair with blonde highlights and brown eyes. She’s in pretty good shape as well. At this point, it had been over a year since the events of that story and as she pointed out I hadn’t seen her in quite some time. Thursday came and I headed down to her college town, where the concert happened to be. Her and her roommate had just gotten an apartment down there and were staying there the upcoming school year.

She took advice from her friend and decided to come my way [MF]

This takes place immediately after my previous story. For those who didn’t read it, it takes place my freshman year of college. I was 19 years old at the time and it was towards the end of April 2019.

So we begin:

“Oh my god you weren’t with one of my residents were you?” Emily asked.

“Surprisingly not.” I told her.

Confused, she asked, “Then why are you up here?”

“I was actually with Lauren.” I told her.

Her eyes widened and she seemed surprised. “I had no idea you two were talking.” she said.

“Well we weren’t until last night.” I said trying not to smile.

“Oh!” she said with even more surprise. “It happens that quickly for you huh?” she asked.

“Sometimes I guess.” I shrugged. There was a bit of awkward silence before I cut in with, “I’m gonna go to my room now.” We said our goodbyes and I went back downstairs to my room.

A couple hours later I was in the study lounge on my floor talking with a couple of my buddies when all of a sudden Emily and Zoe came running down the hallway laughing. We took notice of it and went to investigate. They then came walking back towards us trying to quell their laughter.

The sex tape with the RA[MF]

This takes place in late April of 2019, my freshman year of college a couple of days after my previous story. I was riding high off those events and was excited for Avengers: Endgame, which was only a few days away. I was chatting with a few of my buddies in the basement of our building about getting tickets when Lauren, another RA, came down the steps and overheard our conversation.

“You guys are going to see it too?” she asked.

“Yeah that’s the plan. Hopefully opening night if we can get tickets.” I answered. Lauren is heavily into movies. She’s a film major and at the time of writing this story is days away from graduating.

With that being said, after she asked her question we got into a discussion about films in general. One thing was certain, she was very passionate about movies, with dreams of being a producer. She actually worked on a film for her senior project. We talked for about thirty minutes before she went up to her room.

Fucking one of the RA’s in the building [MF]

My freshman year of college was crazy. Going into it, I didn’t think by the end of the year I’d have hooked up with 3 RA’s. This is about the first RA that I hooked up with, Zoe. I’ll share my experiences with the other 2 in the near future.

RA’s(Resident Assistants) are either really good or really bad. Thankfully, the RA’s in my building were all enjoyable and pleasant to be around. The RA on my floor, John, was great at getting us to go to events and other things. There were countless nights in his room playing Mario Kart and Smash Bros as a floor until 2am.

Through John a lot of us became somewhat close with a few other RA’s. One of the RA’s on the fourth floor, Zoe, stuck out to me. She was 5’6” with light brown hair and blue eyes and was average size. As for me I’m 6’5” with brown hair and blue eyes as well. Zoe struck me as very carefree. She’s in between that mix of girly-girl and tomboy. She did her own thing and didn’t really care what anyone thought of her. If I had to compare her to someone famous she looks kind of like Chloë Grace Moretz. She was one of the few people that had no secrets. She didn’t shy away from the fact that she was bisexual. Me being me, upon hearing that I was going to try and get a threesome with her.

Trying to fuck the attitude out of the girl on the third floor [MF]

In the hookups I’ve had, I only have a few regrets.

This is about Katherine, my first regret. I don’t mean to say the sex was bad, it was actually quite good, but the aftermath made me wish I didn’t hook up with her.

That being said let’s get into the story.

It was 2018 and I was a freshman in college, I had just turned 19 and it was the beginning of October. I met a girl named Katherine through a couple mutual friends. In the beginning, Katherine seemed nice. She was 18 and 5’4” with brown hair and blue eyes. She has decent sized breasts and an ok ass. As for me I’m 6’5” with brown hair and blue eyes as well.

Fucking two girls from orientation that I didn’t know had boyfriends [MFF]

The beginning of summer in 2018 and I had graduated high school and was newly single. I had freshman orientation for my college coming up soon. For those who don’t know what orientation is, it’s a long drawn-out process where you become familiar with the campus, sit through some presentations and at the end pick your classes for the upcoming semester.

Upon arrival, we were split into groups based on our major. We were one of the smaller groups, and in this group I met a girl that was 5’4” with dark brown hair and tanned skin. She was very skinny, probably not even 100lbs. She turned around and revealed her brown eyes and said, “Hi I’m Trinity!” She was 18 years old just like I was. For those that care about me I’m 6’5” with brown hair and blue eyes.

We became quick friends for the time being because we had very similar interests. I may not be the best at picking up signs when a girl is attracted to me but Trinity made it pretty obvious. I didn’t pay much attention to it as we went about the day.

We fucked in my truck while her bf was in the house sleeping [MF]

I met Sam in late 2018 during my freshman year of college about 3 weeks into my first semester through a mutual friend.

Sam is 5’7” with long blonde hair and brown eyes. She has a pretty average body but a nice shaped ass. Her thighs were thick and looked soft. She had a tattoo of five small suns on her right shoulder blade, one for her and her four sisters. The day I met her she was wearing a pair of tight jean shorts that made her ass just pop out perfectly. As for me I’m 6’5”. I have brown hair and blue eyes.

As nice of a girl as Sam was I noticed two things right away: She didn’t have much common sense and her maturity level was pretty low. That aside it wasn’t my life so I just let her be her. I watched her make some pretty dumb mistakes repeatedly and regardless who gave her advice she seemingly did the opposite. Unless it directly impacted me I just let it be. I avoided many headaches that way.

She went bi for one night only [MFF]

College is a time for experimentation. At least that’s what I was always told growing up by those older than me. Drugs, alcohol, sex, it’s all available it copious amounts almost everywhere with thousands of young people with no adult supervision for the first time. Crazy shit is bound to happen.

One thing that surprised me was hearing about girls having sex with their roommate. It was by no means an everyday occurrence but I was just surprised to even hear about it happening in the first place. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve heard it happening.

This is about my friends Becky and Melissa who I met my freshman year of college.

Becky and Melissa are pretty similar people. Both small town girls with the same backgrounds, sense of humor, and style. As roommates they were together often and were pretty close. They both had long brown hair and brown eyes. Becky was the shorter one at 5’5”. She’s a thin girl with small boobs and a small ass. Melissa had a few more curves and an average body with a great ass. She’s slightly taller at 5’7” and has glasses. This is just my preference but glasses are a huge turn on. For those that care about me I’m 6’5” with brown hair and blue eyes. When I first met them, I was attracted to both of them. However, they both had boyfriends at the time so I backed off.