Sex in a strangers house

He read in a book once that the best way to get a woman to fall for you is to do something the evokes fear with her, something that will raise both of their heart rates which creates a stronger sense of attachment. So he got thinking…

After a few minutes of mulling it over, he had it!

He leaned over to his left, pulled out his iphone from inside his back pocket, and pulled her name up. “Want to go on an adventure,” he typed out before he pressed send.

She wrote back “what do you have in mind?”

He returned her message with, “Meet me a the corner of Lexington and Burberry at 11pm and I’ll show you.”

“Ok! I’ll see you there” She responded.

She was on time, and standing on the corner ready for whatever he had in store. She wasn’t sure what it was going to be, but she was excited and had such a huge crush on him she’d do just about anything he ask of her just short of murdering someone and licking his asshole.