[MF] The Wild Weekend That Kicked Off An 8 Month Stretch of Wild Fucking. Part 1 – Blowjobs and Big Asses

Almost exactly 10 years ago this week started a 8 month run of the most wild and promiscuous sex streaks of my life. I was recently out of college (22m) and I had a job that paid me enough to pay my bills and then party my ass off. In the year leading up to this 8 month run, I had lost my virginity in May and with the help of working out I finally felt confident to shoot my shot with women. This 8 month period shot my number of partners from 4 or 5 to well over 25. The streak ended that fall when I met my now wife, but it was the perfect example of someone “sewing their wild oats.”

I had a good mix of partners that were FWB, one night stands, friends, acquaintances, and complete strangers. When I lost about 20-25 lbs, started working out, and just lost my baby face I noticed I got a lot more attention from women that I was interested in but they were not interested in me until now. I had come into my own. So girls I knew that were previously not interested in hooking up, were some of the ones now interested. This particular story that kicked off everything has a bit of both.

[MF] Sexy Vacation Photoshoot Leads To Risky Creampie for Husband and Wife

A few years back my wife and I were at a destination wedding in Mexico, and we decided to make it into our own mini vacation and stay a few extra days. A few weeks before my wife had just gotten a boob job and was excited she was going to get to show off her new 550cc silicone tits in a bikini. She had also just gone from a brunette to a full on blonde. Her boob job was a massive confidence booster that led her down on a path of embracing her inner sexual goddess. She started dressing much sexier and showing off the girls in public and in the bedroom she started expressing her desires. In her words she finally felt hot. She was always hot but more in a southern sorority girl way but she was transforming into a Playboy playmate.

[MF] Sweaty Sexy Wife Uses Husband As Her Postworkout Relaxer

I’ve always told my wife anytime you want me to go down on you just tell me and I will drop everything and do it. No expectations of returning the favor or anything. I have always thoroughly enjoyed giving her or previous partners oral, but my wife’s pheromones, scent, taste, whatever you want to call it has always been intoxicating to me. Over our years of dating and marriage she would occasionally take me up on the offer but recently it’s been happening much more consistently. In the past 2 months her horniness has shot through the roof. She’s told me that she’s been fucking herself in the shower in the morning before work with her new dildo. Also one afternoon when I was out, she locked herself in our bedroom and fucked herself while watching porn.

After an especially stressful Monday she went to her hot yoga class and had 2 glasses of white wine when she got home. We were watching tv when she said “you should go down on me. I’m so wet and I know how much you enjoy it when I’m sweaty.”

[MF] Sexy Wife Gives Husband a VIP Valentine’s Day Experience

Valentine’s Day turns my wife (32f) into a horny mess and it seems to bring out her kinkiest fantasies. Last year she was taking exotic dancing classes with some of her girlfriends for a fun and different cardio class they could do as a group and then get mimosas after. It was like Zumba for strippers. Well Valentine’s Day weekend we got an Airbnb and we had a blast. She wanted to show me what she learned. So we setup a role play scenario where we were at a strip club. Dimmed the lights, played some loud fun music, she charged me $12 for a Miller Lite (just kidding). The game room of the place we stayed had a bar, some colored lights, a disco ball, basically the works. It was perfect for the scenario.