I [F] was a bad babysitter

I used to babysit for my family’s neighbor when I lived at home. He was an early 30’s single dad with a baby at the time. They were friendly and nice for the most part, and they needed someone to watch their kid during the day in the summer. I definitely wanted the extra money and independence, so my mom volunteered me to help them out.

The baby would always take a nice long nap right before the dad would come home from work. So he’d come home and I’d have the house nice and clean for him and the baby would be asleep, and he’d walk in so happy and relieved that he’d just sit on the couch and relax. I was younger than he was and liked feeling more grown up than I actually was and would precociously sit with him and ask him about his day. It was like I was playing house and pretending to be his girlfriend/wife.