[MF, cheat, cons, anal] – The work wife part 3

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ckqfny/mf_cheat_cons_the_work_wife/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/cxb0dg/mfcheatconsoral_the_work_wife_part_2/)

Things had slowed down a bit since the blowjob in her Range Rover. Part of it was work, we both had a lot to do.  My read on the other part was she was coming to terms with the big changes she’d initiated in her life.  Fucking me once was a mistake, but twice with perhaps a plan for more was a fundamental change to her own self-image. As for me, I was trying not to think about it.  Sex with her was amazing and we were both adults.  What was wrong with having a little fun?

The project director announced a happy hour at a local chain where somebody knew somebody so we could get a deal, meaning the party was more to fill an obligation to have a party than to have actual fun. It was one of those places with stuff on the walls that defined good as big drinks and obscene amounts of food.  I had some things to tie up after work so I arrive late.  There was an open bar, we had landed a new contract, and so there was a very good
showing.  My work wife was sitting at a side table.
“Are you drinking?”

[MF][Cheat][Cons][Oral] – The Work Wife, Part 2.

[It had been a week since we fucked in her Range Rover in the work parking lot.](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ckqfny/mf_cheat_cons_the_work_wife/) We talked about it, but she felt guilty and it clearly upset her that she had done it. I gave her space which was hard since we were still co-workers.

That morning I suggested we get some coffee, something we did frequently and she agreed. We had time to make the trip and be back in time for the morning meeting. We got into her Range Rover and she drove us. We sat in silence during the short drive. We got to Starbuck and got out. Placed our order and waited as we had dozens of times before. We didn’t say anything to each other. I waited, feeling more and more guilty, questioning if I misread things, hoping she would be ok, but still I wanted her. We returned to her car and she pulled away to drive back to the office.

“I’m sorry,” I said.

“Don’t,” she said, “we did it and it’s done.”

“Look… I—I think I’m going—I don’t know. What do we want—what should we do?” I didn’t know what I wanted to say, I was full of conflict.

[MF, cheat, cons] – The work wife

She was a Punjabi woman, a Sikh, my again and despite being born half a world apart we found each other working as peers on projects for the United States Commerce department. She had a quick, biting wit that was perfectly synced with my own. Our rapport was easy and despite not getting my pop culture references, we could still make each other laugh. We became inseparable work spouses: having lunch together grabbing coffee, working as pairs at each other’s desks, taking walks together on the work campus.

While our personalities meshed well, physically we were near opposites. She was the picture of elegance, with brown skin, impossibly long hair, and a thin, lanky frame that supported ample breasts. I was pale to a fault, burning easily in the sun, short brown hair, and the size and build of a football player whose body had soften over the years into what could be called the classic dad bod.

We flirted together almost immediately upon meeting. She was married with two young boys, confiding in me that the marriage was arranged, so nothing was ever going to happen. We would talk and get close. One day I noticed that she kept touching me, my knee and my thigh, when we talked, sometimes letting her hands linger. I would touch her shoulders, but tried to walk a careful line of workplace behavior.

[MF] – Getting off at our stop

It was late. We were both drunk and riding the metro back to the dorms after spending the night together in the city: a cheep dinner and a concert. We had been on a few dates. Her hair was a short, wavy bob. She wore a cheap black vinyl coat. It seemed new, but was already peeling and cracking in places.

It was a weeknight. The metro was empty. We talked in hushes. We touched. We kissed. We dared and challenged each other with our fingers, playing chicken. I touched her neck, dipping down her collarbone. She touched my chest through the space between buttons on my shirt. I ran my hand up the thigh of her tweed flannel pants, she teased my cock through my jeans. I pressed my index finger along her crotch. I was about to kiss her deeply when I felt her hands on my zipper. I wasn’t expecting us to go that far.

Her eyes flashed and she bent her head down into my lap, her mouth engulfing my cock. My heart beat in my head. She didn’t move really. She didn’t have to. The swaying of the train car did all the work, masturbating me with her mouth. Her soft breath ran down my shaft.

[MF] – A lifetime in a day

She was just a bit over 5 feet tall, small and compact. She wore a wide brimmed hat, sun glasses, a black tank top that provided enough support for her small breasts, and a long tan skirt, and a light scarf that she used as a shawl to keep the sun off her neck, back, and arms. She had this great tattoo up her left arm, these small nuclear orange squirrels. It was the tattoo that broke the ice. We talked and–do you know when you meet someone and it seems like you’re already friends? It was like that. Everything we talked about it was like we had shared all of these experiences and we just didn’t know it.

It started to get dark. She took off her hat. Her hair was this dark short boy cut. I kept looking for ways to touch her and then my arm was around her and then I told her I wanted to kiss her and then she answered me by kissing me. We went to my tent and talked and got closer as the sky got darker.