First time sex with girl after 6 year relationship [MF]

•100% true story, names changed and slight details to hide identities.

•All parties were over the age of 25

So this is probably the hottest hookup I’ve ever had, and I look back and masturbate to this from time to time just because of how awesome it was. I hope y’all enjoy.

So to skip all the detail, skip to the: line

So I was in a monogamous relationship for 6 years, the type of relationship where you think they are the one and it’s gonna last forever and yada yada yada. So towards the end of this relationship, we stopped having sex for about 2 or 3 months. Tension was high, and we had a lot of arguments.

Psychologically, this was a bit of a hit and I started having some unusual thoughts of cuckolding her with another girl, I guess this was maybe my sexual side of dominating her and showing her who was in charge. The arguments made me extremely horny and frustrated, but not horny for her, horny for other girls. It was difficult because not having sex for that long made my mind wander and girls were interested, but I didn’t let anything happen because I’m not a piece of shit to cheat, however, the THOUGHT of cheating and cucking her aroused me.