How I fucked the hot milf from my kickboxing class 24 [M] / 44 [F]

This story goes back to my third year of grad school in a STEM degree. Between research and classes it hardly ever left me time for a social life, and the few precious free seconds of the day I did have I would spend it working out and attending my gyms kickboxing classes. As you can imagine this didn’t leave me much time to interact with people near my age group, much less meet much girls. To make matters worse I had to attend kickboxing classes in the morning on Saturdays so that I could work straight through my weekends.

Most of the crowd in kickboxing on Saturday mornings consisted of older people mostly, with me constantly being the youngest. During most of these practices I would interact and engage in casual conservation with an older woman who was a single mother to a young child. For the sake of privacy, we’ll call her Sarah. Sarah was forty four years old, Caucasian, with long brunette hair that went up to her shoulders. Her face looked kind of aged, as she was already showing some wrinkles around her face, but not anything too unappealing. Her most striking features was that she was incredibly in shape, she would run early in the mornings, go weightlifting, and do martial arts. This gave her an incredibly toned body with a great ass. Nothing too voluminous, but it was a nice full white girl ass with decently sized thighs. She had a strong core with natural 32Bs which made her look stunning, and seeing as how I hadn’t had any action since I got into grad school I naturally tried to start conversation with her.