Dog Girl Girlfriend Helping Her Man Unwind Part 1 [MF]

~This is my first time writing erotic stuff~

It was a long exhausting day at the office for Mark. He sighed as he made his way up the stairs to his apartment hoping the day will end. As the doorknob turned he started to hear footsteps speeding towards the door from the inside. He opens the door and there he was greeted with a pounce, knocking him to the ground.
Mark looked up to see his dog girlfriend Tiffany waging her tail in excitement.

“Master your home!” She said with glee in her voice. She bounced and swayed, as her voluminous curves jiggle with each motion. He looked at her with a warm smile as the stress from work started to fade away. “I hope wasn’t too stressful babe,” she said as her lavender eyes met his.

“Well the boss was being a dick again,” Mark said as his eyes looked away. With that Tiffany grew a small frown on her soft lips. “Aww, baby don’t look so sad,” he said as he holds her close to his lean wiry body. An idea pop up in Tiffany’s head as to how to make her handsome man happy.