Prove It: Part 1 (FM)(Cheating)

“Look, you need to relax. All you ever do is complain about me and what I do. It was a night out with the guys, why must you always bitch about everything?“ he says before hanging up the phone. “She’s pissed that you and I are hanging out, and she’s pissed I went out with my friends last night and didn’t tell her,“ he says angrily towards his cherry haired friend. “She’s always bitching at me about something. It’s so annoying. Like why doesn’t she understand we’re just friends?“

“I don’t know, it sounds like she doesn’t like you even having guy friends,“ she crosses her legs making her tall socks pull across her knees, “I think you just need to sit down and relax and not worry about her for a bit. Do you still have any beers?“

“Yea, a couple“ he says, popping into the kitchen to grab them from the fridge and opening them both. “I can’t relax when she’s in my ear 24/7. She always thinks I’m up to no good,“ he grumbles, handing her the frosty beverage while sitting down on the sofa next to her.

Prove It: Part 1

He smiles at her cheekiness and heads off to the bathroom to find a towel and get himself cleaned up.  While he’s gone Becky reaches over to her bag and pulls out her phone, flicking through her contacts and finding one that hasn’t been used for a while.  She’s not surprised when she gets an answer after two rings, “Stacy!  Hi!“

Categorized as Erotica