Opening Kelly’s Marriage, Part 1 (MF) (Cheat)

Kelly knew it was going to be a long, lonely weekend. Her husband, Darryl, would be away for a weekend conference and would be gone until late Sunday night. She was getting ready for her usual Friday girls night out but even that wouldn’t be the same. Most times she would get home a little inebriated, stumble upstairs, and climb in bed next to him. He would usually be fast asleep by then so she would just snuggle next to his warm body and fall dreamily to sleep.

Tonight, she would come home to an empty house and an empty bed.

She looked forward to going out although she didn’t know the others all that well. Darryl had moved here eighteen months ago for a job opportunity. She had just joined him after the wedding a little over six months ago. The girls were mostly co-workers of Darryl’s that he had introduced her to. This would be her fourth time meeting them at a local bar. Her favorites, Janine and Karen, were about her age, twenty-six, and were single as far as she knew. That had not caused any issues to this point.