[MF] Eating my work-wife’s ass while on the clock.

I’ll start with the background and physical descriptions, but feel free to skip to “XXX” if you’re the type of person who likes to build their own characters.

In May I graduated college, and while I look for a “real job,” I’ve returned home to the local car-wash that I work at over the summer. It’s a pretty crummy job, but relative to what is expected of me, the pay is very good. (You’d be surprised how quick $1 tips can add up when you’re drying off cars on a busy day.)

Anyway, a few months prior to graduating, I broke up with my girlfriend so that I could get one last taste of single college life before entering the real world, where Friday nights were unlikely to devolve into Roman bath orgies. It was definitely a good idea, and if I find the time I’ll be sure to post about all the friends I made at the *Thermae*. As for right now, however, my breakup is only relevant in that for the first summer since getting hired, I was single.