Turned on by my wife’s indiscretion [MF]

Backstory: So my wife (38) and I (41) have been married for 14 years, together for 17. We are very happy now and have been for many years. We went through some rocky patches our first few years of being married, as many young couples do. One night during that time, we were out at a bar for a friend’s birthday and I left early because I had to go to work the next morning. She ended up staying out. I was immediately suspicious the next morning when she still wasn’t home by the time I left for work at 5:30 am. Wasn’t answering her phone either. I gave her the benefit of the doubt that maybe they all went out to breakfast and her phone died.

I tried getting a hold of her at various points throughout the day with no luck. I was legit worried at that point. When I got home around 6 pm, she looked like she had just gotten home. All her excuses were horrible and nothing was adding up. Finally find out that she went home with one of the guys, Josh, from the group and stayed at his apartment. The two of them definitely had a mutual crush on each other and were always flirty. She denied doing anything with him, but word quickly got back to me that they fucked. I was pretty irate, but eventually I just kind of got past it.