Spending the summer abroad, and without panties [FM]

So, while my friend Bree and I come up with a plan for our half-horse hybrid boy toy (pegging him is off the table, but she joked that she’d love to fuck my ass one of these days, so there’s that…), I thought I’d regale you all of a time long ago, when I wasn’t a depraved divorced slut, but merely a depraved college slut. A slut who had convinced her father to send her to Italy under the impression that immersing her in the culture would help her in her classes. While I did wind up switching from that History degree with a focus in Ancient Rome to something more useful & practical (lol), I do remember a lot about that summer. I had fully intended on exploring the local historical sites, immersing myself in the culture, and all together making the most of it. I had also planned on finding myself some fresh local-grown Italian sausage daily, but even that plan went out the window when on just the 3rd day there, I met Alberto…

The half-horse hybrid manages to surprise me yet again, with a little help [FM]

Sorry for not being around as much, some IRL “big girl” stuff came up, I even had to say no to Danny once because I had shit to deal with. I did make it up to him though, and by that, I mean his cum is currently leaking out of me…

So, to recap the last thrilling adventure, I finally jumped the gun with Danny and he rocked my world. He reminded me what an orgasm was. He cleaned out my pipes. He “insert cliché # 387”, you get the point. What happened next however, was just as surprising, for completely different reasons.

Well, I told you that the day after we woke up together, still sore fyi, I received another video from Danny, entitled “Surprise”. I had no idea what could be in it, well, I had some idea, but I still had no idea. Not so surprising, it started out with a blank shot of Danny’s bed. Not long after I came into view, followed by Danny. He proceeded to put the blindfold on me and secured my wrists to the bedposts. What I initially thought was him taking a minute to admire me, was actually him stepping out of view and bringing Bree in from the other room. She was in her own lingerie getup, likely also procured by Danny. Her panties were already gone, maybe she didn’t wear them, maybe she and Danny had already been playing before I showed up, I don’t know.

Got tired of waiting for the half-horse hybrid to make a move, so I made one of my own, falling into his “trap” [FM]

So, after seeing Danny absolutely ravage my friend, and maybe watch that video a few times (don’t judge), I was tired of this slow game of cat & mouse, so I decided to take things into my own hands and do something stupid. In a somewhat reversal of what started this whole debacle, I “sabotaged” the pipes in the house and for a few days, I had to use the shower in the guest house. I know, cliché, and honestly in hindsight I should have tried something else because it was a bit more damage than I had intended to make, but it got the job done.

On the 3rd day of having to schlep back there things happened. I managed to go back there for my shower right as Danny was coming out, and I almost jumped him right there. His toned body all glistening, his dick shining with moisture as if he had just finished ravaging some poor woman. It was semi-erect and upon me walking in it started twitching, drawing my gaze. Danny could tell my eyes were further south than usual, and took this opening and went with it. He approached me and kind of aggressively got my back up against the wall, leaning down to almost whisper in my ear.

Realizing just how trained the half-horse hybrid has my friend [MF]

So, after spying on Danny and his former landlord’s wife, and how he probably permanently stretched out her ass, things only got more awkward. With him anyway, with Bree things got better. We met, talked, about things she said in that video Danny sent me. She said he got in her head and she said some things that she knew she shouldn’t have, but he had been edging her for 2 hours, and she claimed she would have sold out her own parents for a Klondike bar at that point. We both came to the conclusion that we were too good of friends to let a silly “little” thing like that come between us, so we celebrated by going out to a favorite bar of ours that had opened back up. We went out, we drank, we got hit on by some pervs who bought us drinks thinking that since we took them, we’d fuck them, and caught an uber back to my place, where she willingly took the guest bed in the house.

Spying on the half-horse hybrid in my guest house [FM]

So, after receiving that video of Danny with my friend, things have been a bit awkward. I haven’t really talked with Bree, and have been trying to avoid Danny. That being said, he hasn’t stopped with his guests, if anything he’s bringing more of them around. I also think I’ve found out which of his recurring guests is the former landlord’s wife. When talking with Danny’s mother, she had referred to them as Mr. and Mrs. ‘insert middle eastern name here’ (not really, but I’m trying to be vague) and had said she was tall. Out of Danny’s “repeat customers”, only one fit the description, and good lord was she a looker. I had made it a point to set up the camera to notify me of any movement in the backyard, originally as a way to look out for Bree, but I did notice that one evening he brought his former landlord’s wife over.

So…the half-horse hybrid that lives in my guest house showed me how he’s so persuasive… [FM]

So, after my confrontation with Danny went, well, not as expected, he seemed to be purposefully fucking with me. I was out in the backyard gardening, and he was swimming in a speedo that apparently had some magic spell cast on it, because there’s no way that little material can stretch so much. When he got out and toweled off he made sure to focus on his bulge, readjusting it whenever I looked up.

Yesterday however, was a new can of worms entirely. I went out to swim for a bit and he was sitting at a table, working on his laptop (I purposefully picked my most unflattering ‘mom suit’). When I asked what he was working on he said it was a project for school, and I thought nothing of it. I got through most of my workout before I noticed that he was actually working naked. I noticed this when I swam by and saw his dick standing up and bumping against the bottom of the table. Apparently when his dick is hard, the head swells up to an impressive size. I was somewhat distracted by the sight of his appendage at attention, to the point I ran into the side of the pool, I don’t think he noticed, I hope he didn’t. I tried to keep my cool and finish my workout, but I guess I tried a little too hard, because when I was done, I had not even noticed him leaving and going back inside. I was a little disappointed, but just went back inside to rinse off, and turned my shower head onto the pulse setting.

Confrontation with the half-horse hybrid living in my guest house [FM]

So, I did what I said I would, I fumbled about with something on the TV and asked my guest house tenant Danny to see if he could find out what the problem is. Not surprisingly it didn’t take him long, but we did get some small talk out of the way. I then told him that I had talked with his mother, and after a bottle of wine, she spilled about why he was evicted. Sorry, “almost evicted”, as he corrected me. He said the wife came by one day for his late rent and thought she’d kill 2 birds with one stone and address some noise complaints the neighbors had. To quote him “One thing lead to another, and before I knew it, I had ‘*worked off*’ 2 months of late rent”

“Wow, 2 months at once, must have been an intense 10 minutes” I said jokingly, not fully realizing what I said.

“10 minutes? If that’s as long as your ex could do, I truly feel sorry for you” Danny replied in a tone that was half joking, half serious.

“No, sometimes it could be 11 if he put some effort into it.” I tried replying with a straight face, but couldn’t.

Finding out how my [F] Ho Friend discovered the human/horse hybrid living in my guest house [FM]

So, Bree and I met up for coffee and I told her that I saw her on video a few weeks ago leaving my guesthouse lookin’ like a ho. Well, I didn’t phrase it *quite* like that, but still conveyed my point. She was embarrassed, her face was almost redder than her hair. I then started giggling and told her I’m not mad, far from it, just confused that she didn’t say anything. Apparently one day she signed up for a dating app as a goof, and Danny was one of the guys who messaged her, and “one of the few who didn’t seem like a total fucking weirdo”. She said he made her laugh, so they met up for drinks and later brought him back to her place, where she said he made her feel like a real woman again.

Update on the human/horse hybrid I have living in my guest house [FM]

Lets get some things out of the way. I’m new to all of this, and thus won’t respond to requests for pics. If you want to chat, try and be witty, don’t just send a picture of your dick. I don’t *need* my inbox clogged with videos of big, throbbing hard cocks… (but if you happen to have one, don’t be a stranger)

So, some interesting things came to light recently after some investigation. The 1st was that I found out why Danny was evicted from his last place after I was on the phone with his mom for like 2 hours and a bottle of wine. Apparently the last few months he was making “alternative payments” in lieu of actual rent money, and by “*alternative payments*”, his mom meant that apparently the husband came home and caught his wife riding Danny in their bed. Apparently he threatened to evict him for “lack of payment” or something, but his mom called me and moved him into my guest house before they could to avoid him having an eviction on his record.

Opened my home to a kid who’s part horse [FM]

So, let’s get this out of the way to begin with, since I know how this goes. I’m 46, recently divorced, 5’6″, shoulder length brown hair, 130 soaking wet, with a good portion of that in my breasts (hence the name, The1WithBigTits). Anyway, I have an old friend from college, Lindsey, who had asked if I could help her out. Her son, Danny, has been going to college near where I live, and had been evicted from his apartment for some reason. Since I got the house in the split (and almost everything else, downside to being cliché and knocking up the secretary), and my kids are out of the house, I figured it’d be nice to have some company. I had this memory of Danny from a while ago as, well, a scrawny little kid, so you can imagine my surprise when this not so scrawny college kid shows up to stay in the guest house. Things go well to begin with, he’s a good tenant, pays the token amount in rent on time, and helps out around the house if I need it.