Opening Night (FF) (Fantasy)

“Fuck’s sake, that’s a gorgeous view,” Blake murmured under her breath.

She had only just acquired the little tavern in the trade district of Grand Alarinn. She hadn’t even picked out a new name for it—right now it was the Troll’s Haven, a name that disgusted Blake and made her think of the seedier places down in the slums. She was determined not to let this become just another tavern. But she still needed a name. She pondered it as she tried to buff a shine into the bar, which was made from a single piece of rich, dark wood.

She smiled contentedly as her reflection became visible, taking a moment to study herself. She was young—some might say too young to be an innkeeper, but she scoffed at those people—only just entering her twentieth year. Most of her friends were trying to apprentice themselves to some artisan. That’s what a middle-class Alarian did, Blake was told. But she worked her ass off to start a life on her own terms, and that’s what she did. No masters, no teachers, only the patrons who rented her rooms and this gorgeous sunset view.

The Handmaiden [FF]

The darkness of my chambers seduced me with whispers of sleep and release. The corset dug into my ribs, and I bit my lip wondering if I could undo the lacing myself. Before I could consider further my new handmaiden, Rian, slipped into the room, carrying a basket full of oils and perfumes for my bath.
“The castle is so chilly after dark,” she said, dark eyes turned golden by the fire in my hearth, “I envy you and your warm chambers.”
My heart sank, “I’ve been trying to talk to the steward about making everyone’s rooms warmer now that summer has ended, it seems so backwards that we should take more resources than the people we claim to serve.”
“You serve us, m’lady?” Rian laughed, “Not many royal families would claim to truly serve their subjects outside of their fancy state dinners and speeches.”
“I know,” I said, my heart sinking, “But it doesn’t seem right. If I had more power here…”
“But you don’t,” Rian cut me off, “And it is dangerous to dream beyond what we have been given… at least so I’ve been told.”
I looked at Rian, wondering what dreams she’d been forced to give up in order to join the castle service. She was pretty, long golden brown tresses plaited back from her playfully freckled face, she surely would have been able to secure a marriage above her station, yet I couldn’t imagine her married to a man… perhaps it was because she was too wild, too free, marriage didn’t seem to suit her.
“What do you dream of Rian?” the question burst from my chest unbidden, my curiosity about her piqued.
“Right now?” she laughed, “I dream of a warm bed and someone to share it with.”
I laughed at her forthrightness, walking behind my changing wall so she could help me undress, “I can imagine that you could get any man in the castle.”
She lifted my dress above my head and started undoing my laces with her deft fingers, “Perhaps I could… but that’s not quite what I meant m’lady.”
I blushed, wondering if her words meant what I thought they meant. But not everyone held the same secrets as me, I needed to be careful not to read into her words too much. But I couldn’t help but shiver as her fingers brushed against me, taking off my corset and setting my chest free. My nipples hardened, and I tried to convince myself it was just the cold air that swirled over them. I shrugged into the robe Rian wrapped around me, reminding my mind not to wander too far.
I turned around to see Rian’s eyes sparkling, had she felt me shiver under her touch? “Shall I draw your bath?”
“Yes, of course, a warm bath sounds like just what I need right now.”
Her gaze paused, barely a second, on my chest which suddenly seemed to me very poorly concealed beneath the scant robe. My chest was small, yet the combination of the cold air and the thin fabric left very little to the imagination.
“I’ll see what I can do for you,” she quipped, leaving my bedroom to start the water.
I sat down on my bed, trying to collect my thoughts. Rian, she was beautiful to be sure, but I had no evidence to support my growing suspicion that she…
I could not let myself finish the thought. I was nobility, and I could never allow myself to pursue anyone lower than me. I had heard stories of awful nobles using their station to lure maids into their bed, how would I be any better than them if I pursued, no even thought about pursuing, the warmth and comfort of a beautiful girl like Rian.
But gods she was beautiful, full and curvy where I was thin and willowy, her long golden brown hair a playful contrast of my red locks, her large full breasts… gods why was I suddenly thinking about her breasts?
I shifted in discomfort, suddenly realizing that despite myself I had let my body respond to the idea of her, her warmth, her smile. Suddenly she appeared in the doorway, steam and candlelight curling around her figure… “Are you alright Fiyona?” she asked, tilting her head slightly.
I took a deep breath of the chilled air and met her eyes, hoping she hadn’t seen my eyes drifting over her figure, “I’m sorry, I was distracted there for a second, yes I’m ready.”
I walked into my bathing chamber, steeling myself against the cold as Rian took my robe. Somehow my nakedness felt more vulnerable and awkward than usual and I hurried over to the water. It was steaming, courtesy of the kettles of water Rian kept warming over the fire, and I stepped in gingerly. The warmth tingled and stung against my cold feet, but I lowered myself quickly, needing the shield of water between me and the thoughts of Rian. I sank into the water, shuddering a bit as the water kissed my lower lips, my body betraying my every effort to stop the discomfort building between my legs.
“Is the water too hot for you?” Rian asked, a touch of concern in her voice.
“No…” I said, hoping she didn’t notice my discomfort.
She studied me thoughtfully for a moment, a twinkle forming in her eye, “Would you like more perfumes in your water?”
I nodded and she grabbed a lavender vial and brought it over to the water. She came close, so close the steam intertwined with her brown hair, as she leaned over to pour the perfume in the water. I looked at the candles so my eyes wouldn’t betray my desire as her dress struggled to keep her large chest from spilling out of her shift.
“Have I made you uncomfortable, milady?”
My eyes snapped back to her as she stood at the edge of my large tub, brow cocked and small lips pursed, looking at me as if I was a puzzle she couldn’t solve.
“I… no! Of course not…” I spluttered, feeling guilty and hoping I hadn’t made her uncomfortable.
“I know there are rumors about me,” she said, brows furrowed thoughtfully, “I didn’t… you didn’t seem to be the type to judge someone for the kind of people they love.”
The kind of people they love… “I’m… I’m a bit confused…”
“I like lasses as well as lads, but that’s all,” she shrugged, turning to put the perfume back on the shelf, “It doesn’t make me treat you any different than any other handmaid would…”
“Oh,” my mind twirled, “I… uh…”
She turned back to me, laughing at my stuttering, a smile twisting her small bowed lips, “Trust me, I can control myself even around a lady as pretty as you.”
“Oh,” I said, words tumbling out of my mouth, “You think I’m pretty?”
Again she studied my face, taking in my widened eyes and then briefly touching on my pointed nipples, rising from the steam despite the warmth. She grabbed one of my favorite lotions, walking back to the water, “Of course I do Fiyona.”
She stopped at the edge of the water, and our eyes met, both brimming with desire. I suddenly realized that her chest rose and fell a bit more quickly than usual, and she shivered slightly even though the room around us was filled with steam.
“Are you cold?” I asked, my eyes darting between her and the large warm bath, a daring invitation.
A smile curled around her lips, “Maybe just a bit…” she looked down at the lotion she had been about to set down at the side of the tub and then back at me, her eyes sparking in the flickering candlelight.
My body went rigid and a slight gasp escaped me, apparently enough of a confirmation for her to undo the front of her dress.
My eyes were glued to her as the fabric fell from the top of her figure and her rosy body was revealed to the flickering candlelight. Her chest laid pillowy and soft against her sternum, her hourglass figure still maintained without a corset. She slipped the skirt down from her wide hips and then she stood completely bare, the steam her only garment.
I must be dreaming… I thought, my mind twisting as if I had had too much wine. But no, there she was, walking towards me like a goddess descending to the earth.
Then she was in the water with me, her body displacing the hot perfumed water as she knelt carefully over my body, “Fiyona…” she breathed, “You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
She kissed me then, her shining wet body sliding against mine, her hands sliding up my waist and then cupping my breast, still slippery from the soap she put in the water. Without warning she bends down and puts her mouth around my nipple, gently sucking. My back arched and my head tilted back as I let out a gentle moan.
She felt good, so good, I finally allowed my body to relax as desire rushed through my veins, lighting me on fire for her. I tangled my fingers in her hair, breathing deeply of her scent.
My moans seemed to embolden her, she came up from my breast, lips shiny and wet as she kissed me.
This wasn’t my first kiss, but it felt like the first real kiss I’d ever had. It felt electric, desperate, and wild. I’d never let myself want someone like I wanted her right now.
As we kissed she tugged me backwards and I realized we were rising out of the water, the cold air swirling around our bodies, making us press closer together. I felt her chest pressed against mine, her hands slowly wrapping around my body, exploring.
She wants me. Just me. The realization emboldened me and I pulled her back towards my bedroom, back towards the warmth of the fire and the softness of my bed.
We tumbled into the sheets, gasping, and she ended up on top of me. Her hair, still dry, tumbled around her face, framing her beautiful soft features.
She paused for a moment, taking me in, her eyes flitting about my face, “Gods you’re beautiful.”
“Me?” I gasp, “I haven’t been able to control my thoughts since I first saw you Rian…”
“Are you sure you want this?” she asks, as if she can’t tell how desperate for her I already am. I know this is dangerous, but I don’t care. No one would be looking for me tonight. No one came in my chambers… no one except her.
“Yes,” I moan, “Fuck, yes I want you…”
Her eyes light up and I feel her hands tracing my thighs, it’s all I can do not to shake. She pulls the covers over our naked bodies and then disappears under them. My body tenses in anticipation, I can feel her warm breath as she plants a trail of kisses around my chest, down my stomach before resting teasingly above my quaking wet pussy.
“Please,” I beg, “Fuck, please I need you.”
My begging seems to excite her and I feel her tongue slip between my lower lips, moving slowly and then picking up fervor when she finds my clit. I bite my tongue to keep from screaming as my hips involuntarily raise to meet her mouth.
“Please,” I whisper, “Please don’t stop, gods you’re good.”
Her face rises and I feel her cool fingers touch me, circling my clit as she falls to the side of me. She comes out from the covers and we lie on our sides, her fingers still buried deep in my wetness.
I clutch at her wildly, pulling her closer. My hands explore her hair, her hips, her back, trying to take in her warmth, her scent, her touch.
She slows teasingly, taking a break from kissing me to look into my eyes, watching how her touch makes me feel. I see the same magnetic connection in her that I imagine is in my eyes. Slowly, I allow myself to move my hands to her chest, cupping and squeezing and it’s her turn to let out a small moan.
She cradles my head, still stroking my pussy, and then pushes her large chest against my face. I take her in my mouth eagerly, sucking and licking in small circles as she increases the speed of her strokes.
I taste her eagerly and she responds by slipping a finger in my opening, still stroking me with her thumb. My hips lift off of the bed and her breast breaks free as I let out a ragged moan.
“Oh fuck, oh please,” I beg, and she assents, sliding her fingers against me faster.
I throw my head back and my hands clutch at the sheets as waves of pleasure course through my body, rising faster and faster…
“Oh Rian you’re going to…” my voice breaks into a moan of ecstasy as I cum. Hard. My hips buck and my body tenses as impossible pleasure seeps into every part of my body. All I can feel is Rian’s, oh fuck Rian’s, hands on my pussy and her mouth on my chest as my body fills with the heady mixture of pleasure and relief.
I collapse back into the sheets, eyes closing as the world softens and I feel Rian press a warm kiss to my temple, her body still tangled with mine.
“Thank you,” I whisper, “I never thought… I never imagined I…”
“Could sleep with your handmaiden?” she asked, eyes still sparking with desire.
“I never wanted you to feel uncomfortable,” I mumbled, staring up at her beautiful eyes and teardrop breasts floating above me.
“Well, then we have a problem,” she laughed, “Because I certainly need a bit of help to relive my current discomfort.”
Slowly she guides my hand towards her own wetness and I get ready to lose myself in her all over again.