[M]y sister’s married [F]riend on Halloween.

This happened a few years ago back when I was in grad school. This is also my first post so I apologize if it is a bit sloppy. Skip to the ** to avoid the backstory if you want.

I had just broken up with my girlfriend of two years when I was in grad school and she had just moved away for work. My sister and her boyfriend lived in my hometown and I came home for the weekend to go to their Halloween party. They live in the middle of nowhere in a very rural/rednecky type of town and their friends are as you would expect. They are all incredibly fun and nice, but they could all drink like no other. My friend and I went up a little early and started playing drinking games.

As people trickled in through the night, it was fun to see the couples costumes people came up with. I was a pirate with a bacon costume around my torso (very last minute), there were flintstones, Wayne and Garth, Doug Funny and Patti Mayonase…. Anyway I couldn’t keep my eyes off of the only slutty costume in the room. It was a short, petite, black haired girl dressed as a playboy bunny with her husband as Hugh Hefner. She was very short, probably 5’3”, but had amazing tits that were made quite visible in her costume.