I’ve had fingers in my ass, I’ve worn a butt plug, I’ve enjoyed the rare occasion of an enthusiastic ass-eater, but I’ve never actually had anal sex in the penis-in-butthole sense.
Well. Until now.
I recently reconnected with someone I’ve previously been sexually acquainted with (it was a very brief time period a couple of years ago). Nowadays we are giving a friends-with-benefits style relationship a go together and so far it’s been extremely rewarding as far as both the friendship and the benefits.
Something you should know about my FWB is that he is a deep-in-the-booty ass man. A true connoisseur. He delights in all things derriere. He is a rear-end reveler. An asshole afficionado.
He wants those buns, hun.
He and I talked about this in text conversations a few times before we ever did anything. Why? Well, I wanted to know the details of what all he enjoyed doing with booties (almost everything) and how we could incorporate his love of butts into our time together. Because, honestly? I’ve never spent much time developing my enjoyment of butt stuff. It’s mostly been an off-chance side note in my sex life, not a main event. To be completely transparent, I was worried that I wasn’t going to deliver to his level of assjoyment (ass+enjoyment, obviously).