We definitely got caught, that doesn’t mean that we stopped – [MF]

Names and details changed to protect the innocent and guilty. 

This is a story about Val, and a night marked by my most public hook-up to date. I met Val the way I met most women I sleep with, Tinder. On the night in question we didn’t have sex, but that’s a trivial concern given what we did do. In public. In full view of various drunk college students. This story isn’t my proudest moment, but good lord is it hot. Hopefully you all can live vicariously through me (and Val) so you don’t have to do anything quite as stupid as getting caught messing around in public.

Sweet Georgia Sex [MF]

Alright, it’s Saturday night and I’m a bit tipsy in PDX so lets get into it. Names and details changed to protect the innocent (and the guilty).

For 6 months, just after turning 21 I moved to the notorious college town of Athens, Georgia. It was wild, Weekends were a mix of bar hopping and house parties, nights I can’t remember and nights I’d like to forget, I was a northern boy discovering for the first time the meaning of “southern comfort.” At the time I had the hard, lean form of a runner, messy blond hair and a burgeoning sense of style that meant I, for the first time in my life, was getting attention from women. It was in this mélange booze and hormones that I met Erica. I ran into her at a house party in one of those off campus apartments all the UGA students seemed to live in at some point before graduation and while I don’t remember much from that night, I got to know her pretty well the next morning. Erica had soft, wavy brown hair and a cute face framed by glasses that made her look far more innocent than she really was. She had all the right curves in all the right places. Her breasts were full globes topped with sensitive nipples that I loved to play with, she had incredible sensitive tits, and her ass was just the right kind of thick. I’m sure I will write about all the sexy fucked up things we did over the 3 months we were hooking up, but this story is about my first real foray into exhibitionism.