Sam and Ellie and Me [MF]

So, looking back, Sam and I were so depraved this weekend. Like, it was simply unreal in the best way. Thank GOD I have today off from work, because I am seriously so sore and my ass is still bright red and sore from all the spanking. But, I get ahead of myself ?

I got to Sam’s Saturday afternoon, after he dropped Ellie off at the airport and stocked the fridge. I wore a cute little yellow dress, with obviously nothing underneath. I packed a small bag with bra and underwear and a shirt and jeans since we planned on me staying over.

Update: Ex-Best Friend’s Dad [F]inally Responded, We Had Phone Sex, and Set a Date…


Okay, so a lot of people have been asking, and now I officially have an update!

In a previous post, I talked about how I had a crazy chance encounter with a picture of my ex-best friend’s dad glorious cock while at work. I was worked up days later (for those wondering, he picked up his phone the next day, when I didn’t have a shift), and I wrote it all out and posted it. I got some very nice and helpful encouragement and flat-out ghost writings, which gave me the courage to message Steve.

I went with Facebook chat, because I found him easily, and I didn’t want to say I got his number from work, just in cause that creeped him out. I went a pretty forward message: I told him it was nice to see him, it brought up a bunch of old memories, and honestly I may have seen an interesting picture or two on his computer. Yes, I was like two bongs deep and typing shit I normally wouldn’t have. Yes, I am one bong deep right now and doing the same thing.

Getting [F]ucking Soaked Behind the Genius Bar: Or How I Saw My Ex-Best Friend’s Dad Again

I’m a twenty-four year old woman. Currently, and hopefully not forever, I work in my town’s Apple Store. It’s a decent gig. I work behind the Genius Bar, but I’m no genius. I only work on the mobile devices. I don’t know much about tech stuff, but luckily the job is 90% customer service/retail and 10% technical. At least in my experience so far.

Earlier this week, the father of my ex-best friend walked in. Let’s call him Steve, and let’s call his daughter Evelyn. Evelyn and I were inseparable from about 6thgrade until towards the end of high school. We were your classic mean girls. Luckily, I reformed; Evelyn didn’t. Evelyn’s mother died way before I met her, so Steve was the one who picked us up if we were hanging out afterschool, made us snacks, etc. Evelyn, and by extension me, was a total brat to her dad. Following her lead, I would barely say hello to him and never laugh at his dad jokes. The complication was that Steve was the hottest dad I had ever seen. He had a rock-hard body, which he wasn’t afraid to show in the summer; a handsome jaw line; steely blue eyes; a sexy salt-and-pepper hair.