Tales of Lust and Magic Extra: Learning a Lesson [MF][FemDom][Oral][Fantasy]

That same night, Farroh had an encounter of his own. After storming off from Getin and the alluring, but despicable whore, he found himself in the Mash Tun. This pub was the antithesis of the one he’d left but it was no matter. Farroh wasn’t looking for company or atmosphere.

He was just looking to get drunk and he succeeded after a short time. He became such a stumbling, aggravated mess the landlady was forced to kick him out. He stumbled home and found the house dark.

“Probably still with that bitch,” he mumbled as he opened the door. A more sober Farroh would have probably noticed the figure sitting in the corner. Unfortunately, drunk Farroh wasn’t aware of much past his own nose. He stumbled towards his bedroom. His shoulder smacked against the door frame and sent him spinning to the floor.

After a few moments he realized he was staring at was the ceiling. As he waited for the room to cease spinning, he decided sleeping on the floor was as good as anywhere.

Beginning scene of a fantasy erotica series I’ve been working on, would love feedback! [m/f]

Getin leaned his broom against the wooden barn wall and wiped the sweat from his brow. His messy brown hair was dripping wet and damp patches were quickly forming on the waist of his tan trousers. In the middle of the day the barn felt more like an oven and the sickly sweet smell of hay was overpowering. Though he tried to get all his indoor work done in the early morning, he found himself stuck sweeping up the mess left by the king’s guards once again.

He grabbed his threadbare shirt off the gate and wiped down his naturally muscular body. Working as a stable boy for most of his life never allowed for much accumulation of fat. Even though he’d had his left arm amputated above the elbow when he was young, Getin’s body had only ever known the hardships of manual labour. He felt a light breeze on his cooling skin and turned to check on the animals grazing in the fields beyond. The cattle were all snoozing quietly under the shade of a few trees and all seemed well. He turned his gaze to the town beyond and tried to make out individual buildings through the haze of the day. He was concentrating so much he didn’t hear the approach of two people behind him.