Life Is What You Make It [F] [Transformation: Multiple Parts, Inanimate, Race Change] [Reality Shifts, Multiverse]

The post below is an intro I’ve used when starting a roleplay, or shared story writing. All of my posts (in my history) are really just the intro to a much longer story I could, and may, write. I’m posting here because: 1) hopefully it brightens someone’s day and 2) for feedback, thoughts, comments or whatever else in the off chance I decide to take a deeper plunge in writing (and publishing).



“Well Kim, it happened again. Another promising relationship down the drain by moving too fast”. A loud deep sigh escaped the long red haired woman currently laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. The room had been furnished for several years, and there were many eventful memories being there, but it was actually all brand new to the occupant. Long slender fingers pulled the red hair lying beside her up to a pair of deep green eyes. “I guess I’m half Irish now. Although a better use of time may be figuring out where am I, and who am I. Better yet, when am I?”


Magic Pen: Forgotten Night [F] [Transformation: Body Alteration, Implied Race Change] [Reality Shifts]

The post below is an intro I’ve used when starting a roleplay, or shared story writing. All of my posts (in my history) are really just the intro to a much longer story I could, and may, write. I’m posting here because: 1) hopefully it brightens someone’s day and 2) for feedback, thoughts, comments or whatever else in the off chance I decide to take a deeper plunge in writing (and publishing).



Kim let out a yawn as she raised her arms up and backwards, stretching them as she lay in the strangers bed. After accidentally, and groggily, hitting her fingers on the backboard of the bed frame, she quickly turned her head to the person lying next to her, hoping she hadn’t woken them from the slight noise. With a smile, due to noticing them not even stir, Kim looked to her right at the clock resting on the glass and wood night table. *6:47am, not too late to leave quietly* she thought to herself.


Life Is What You Make It [F] [Transformation: Multiple Parts, Inanimate, Race Change] [Reality Shifts, Multiverse]

The post below is an intro I’ve used when starting a roleplay, or shared story writing. All of my posts (in my history) are really just the intro to a much longer story I could, and may, write. I’m posting here because: 1) hopefully it brightens someone’s day and 2) for feedback, thoughts, comments or whatever else in the off chance I decide to take a deeper plunge in writing (and publishing).



“Well Kim, it happened again. Another promising relationship down the drain by moving too fast”. A loud deep sigh escaped the long red haired woman currently laying on her bed and staring at the ceiling. The room had been furnished for several years, and there were many eventful memories being there, but it was actually all brand new to the occupant. Long slender fingers pulled the red hair lying beside her up to a pair of deep green eyes. “I guess I’m half Irish now. Although a better use of time may be figuring out where am I, and who am I. Better yet, when am I?”