Duty Fuck

He stood on the gate bored out of his wits. Tony had never been the type to sit still for too long. He only had about a 10mins left on the entry control point, before he could go on patrol again.

The lights of an on coming car lit up his post. He stepped out of the car to check their Identification card. He noticed how humid it was outside, the fact that his blue digital uniform didn't breath and his bulletproof vest made it extra hot. He enjoyed how the vest made him look fuller. He looked down at his boots as he stepped out o the shack, and wished the shine on his boots were better.

The car pulled up. He signaled for them to cut off their headlights as they blinded him.

"I'm sorry!" she said

Her dark curly hair was in a ponytail, Tony noticed. Her light brown skin flowed to her low cut shirt exposing her cleavage. As he made his way up to her face, he noticed things weren't so bad at this gate after all.